Thursday, January 18, 2018

Let it snow

Alligator River Bridge Marina, NC

But really, 8"??!!!? Was that necessary? And with the wind still at 17-22 knots out of the north. The water level dropped about 2' overnight, blown right out of the sound. But it was beautiful this morning.

We got up at 5:45 to see what was what with weather and bridge opening. We called the bridge tender who didn't answer. We could see the weather. Everything was shut down - this IS North Carolina and folks here do not DO 8" of snow. Hailed our backdoor neighbor boat and they declared that they weren't going anywhere. I can only imagine them saying "are those people nuts?!" Did we go back to bed like smart people? No. We're still up. Nuts!

We did home improvement projects - David some electrical updates and checked the engine for tomorrow. I vacuumed and stowed stuff in the forward cabin, finally, now that there is no water in that tank to freeze. Freeze! We listened to music and read...and shoveled snow with the cutting board...again.

The famous snow-shoveling cutting board.
And generally did some basic beauty and order in our living space.

Hailed our backdoor boat neighbors again, Mary and Peter from Phoenix, NY on a Grand Banks trawler. Peter was shoveling with a dustpan, then a cutting board. Inventive, we sailors. We took our beer, wine and popcorn over to visit them late this afternoon and had lovely conversations. They'll lead us out in the morning as they travel a bit faster than we do.

Home for a dinner of yesterdays leftovers. Delicious and easy. Amelia got straight tuna because we've run out of cat food for her. The plan was to buy her a hamburger at the grill today but no one came to work there today. It IS North Carolina and they don't do 8" of snow. I had a telephone meeting with Freeport Players committee and David is reading.

Amelia is sleeping off the tuna. 
I'm ready to sleep. Another early morning to travel tomorrow.  But another pretty scene from last night - not the real lighthouse but lovely.

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