Tuesday, January 23, 2018

fog, wind, rain....

Morehead City, NC

Lots of rockin' and rollin' last night and today these past 24 hours. A huge rain storm that lasted about 30 minutes in the middle morning. 

All three of us spent much of the day on the boat. I did some more work putting together, populating (!), our ditch bag. We'd copied passports and other important documents a couple of days ago so I put them in the bag and relocated the real passports. Made French toast for breakfast. Bounced around with the lumpy waves. It has been chillier today than past days.

David, with a little bit of my help, changed the oil and transmission fluid. I paid some bills and researched income from various sources. Seems I'll have a little more regular income this year than I had last year...Required Minimum Dispersements from a couple accounts. How is that possible? But I like it.

When I was no longer needed for oil change tasks I went to the solarium to read my new book by Barbara Kingsolver, Flight Behavior. It is hard to put down so I mostly don't. I needed to get off the boat but not a walk in the rain. I'm noticing I can totally flip and flop between good days and attitude and bad days and attitude. Physical movement helps me stay sane and happy but I sometimes forget. And the lack of creating anything is draining. I did NOT get a hair cut today and re-identify myself to/for myself. Wicked expensive and I'm not willing to spend on haircut when I have a perfectly good husband who can cut my hair. Besides, I don't yet have bed head.

Amelia knows how to deal with a rainy day!

More BEST cousins! Suzanne and Lee drove up this evening and took us to dinner. Lovely time with them. They showed us photos from their Panama Cruise.

And now we're getting ready for bed. A big trip tomorrow and we need an early start. Wrightsville Beach, here we come.

1 comment:

  1. So much enjoying reading you Nancy! You and David are the real cruisers!
