Monday, January 22, 2018

delicious warmth

Morehead City, NC

We started the day thinking we'd move onto Swansboro today. Just didn't happen. We even did the laundry and took showers pretending that we would leave. But there was the oil change to consider (but not do) and we hadn't connected with Conni and Al about the package of mail that was being sent to their house, and being plugged into electricity on a dock, in a city that we are familiar with is...comfortable. So here we are for two more nights, waiting out a thunderstorm and some windy lumps in Bogue Sound. Fine. We're getting soft and cautious in our aging bodies and minds. Okay.

I had a bit of a melt down for a brief time. The lack of "a place for everything and everything in its place" drove me to the melting edge. Unfortunately, there is no place for everything so stuff gets moved around and misplaced. And we're living together in all the rooms of our boat. Neither of us has "a room of ones own." sigh. I'm particularly stressed by the "clutter" which really isn't since I don't have a creative outlet to engage me. And I keep doing tasks rather than creating.    Oh woe.  A haircut will help my identity. Maybe. I no longer look like the self I identify with. sigh.

Chatted with Conni and texted Shannon and finally figured out the temporarily lost mail. Conni and Al drove up and brought it to us. I DO have GREAT cousins!!! We had a lovely visit with them and another meal out. Sweet.

David and I sat out on a glider overlooking the harbor this late afternoon, after a walk around our part of town. I was not particularly interested in being on the boat, expecting that we will be on it most of tomorrow during rain. I would, however, be willing to walk in the rain to get to a hair cut. But out on the glider bench was delicious for awhile.

Inside when it started to sprinkle rain. Reading. Napping. Finally, dinner and more reading and napping. May "camp" tonight on an unmade bed. Perhaps I'll have more energy for "domestic" activities.

Two photos from last night's flat calm water around Grace

They don't show up well but the reflections were astonishing.

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