Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Alligator, alligator

Alligator Bridge Marina, near Columbia, NC

We left Coinjock just before 7:00 am and traveled easily down the North River to Albermarle Sound. The water was wide, reasonably deep only a few navigational aides missing, one tug/barge, and the wind was behind us. Had we been in practice we could have added sail to our motor and made even better time. David was at the helm today so neither of us almost ran aground.

A beautiful, glassy start to our day. A frosty morn, reminding me of Randy Judkins performance sketch with characters named Sunny Day and Misty Morn after the weather on the days they were born.

The Sound did begin to pitch gently as 11:00 am rolled around and as we turned abeam to the wind going into the marina, down right lumpy. Amelia decided to go back to bed...under the covers to hide out.

A trawler came into the marina after us but it was just us two boats and the duck hunters. I did watch one of the hunters use a duck they'd killed to train his dog - tossing the duck making, the dog wait, then retrieve it. After the third toss the dog didn't want to bring the dead duck back. The bridge workers came into the local grill for lunch and we chatted with them. One asked if we were on the sail boat. Yes. I suggested to David that we were the scruffy ones, thus sail boat rather than the trawler folks.

Turns out that the woman who is cashier for the grill, the service station and answers the phone for the marina was a "child" in productions of The Lost Colony (coastal outdoor drama) a couple of years after I was there. Even though she was 7 when I was 19 we still knew people in common. A total treat to reminisce about people we knew and experiences of being in that play all summer. Sweet.

An easy day of reading, a hot shower, chatting with various people in the diner, talking to Amelia and a great catch-up phone call with friend, Elizabeth. Tucked into Grace pretty early in the evening, dinner and a game of "take two." Checked the boat lines as it's a-blowin' out thar. And....

It's snowing!!!

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