Saturday, January 6, 2018

gentle day

Norfolk, VA

Hard to get out of our warm bed this morning. Even Amelia was content to sleep in rather than get up in the cold for mere food. I think last night was the coldest and tonight only into mid-teens. Bright and crisp outside all day.

Breakfast of gluten free pancakes - delicious. I tackled redistributing some of the fo'cs'le stuff that has been taken out of the forward locker. This, to get some heat to the water tubes so as to prevent freezing. Just like water pipes in Maine this time of the year. In the Breezeway Cafe' we leave the cabinet doors under the sink open at night and the faucet dripping. Ah, winter! The redistribution made for more comfortable living space in the saloon and space under the table for our feet.

kitty and I sat in the sunny pilot house

and I did a bunch of reading - H is for Hawk. I'm not exactly enjoying this book but am fascinated by the hawk training. Enjoy remembering the documentary, The Eagle Huntress, about a girl in Mongolia who trained a golden eagle in spite of cultural taboo. In my book, the psychology of training, coupled with the grief the woman is recovering from is amazing. The references to the book she is re-reading and the cruelty of another hawk trainer toward his hawk is awful. Nevertheless, reading in the warmth of the sun is lovely, especially post-trauma of engine issues.

There was the surprise of ice...frozen harbor...all the way to the breakwater that is the entrance to this little marina. It was slushy around our boat. black hull? warmth from inside? Still David punched all around to make sure we weren't being squeezed. I shouted to some neighbors standing on the dock just to say hello. Our mechanic dropped off a bill which we paid on the spot. This IS an expensive trip. I'm assuming this is like house maintenance - you do and pay for it, as needed. Had there been a place to sit and coffee available I think mechanic would have stayed to visit in spite of his protests. With neither of those things he "had to get moving." I like him and sense he likes us.

David worked on updating his sea-time log, prep for updating his Captain's license. I took computer, notes, external drive and a movie to the Breezeway (lounge) to hang out in a warmer, larger, off-the-boat space. The big grey cat, Snackals (because he likes snacks), and I enjoyed each others' company. I got much email, FB, banking, checking on credit cards completed. Found a couple of people on FB who we'd met at the previous marina and sent them messages of good cheer. Then the big task - figure out how to play a movie on my computer via an external dvd/cd drive. Ta Da! Success! Plug and play. Easy. Now I can watch a movie anytime.

David and I shared cooking dinner responsibilities then each of us went back to our own interests. I called a friend and had a lovely visit. I think it is time I just got over my  minor telephone phobia. The choice seems to be get over it or loose my connections with my peeps. I've already made a date with another friend to phone each other tomorrow. This might be a 2018 ambition, not to be confused with a "resolution."

Tomorrow some concentrated looking at travel plans/options. We just learned this evening that the Gilmerton Bridge is broken. This is THE first bridge we pass under - it has to open for us - on our trip from here south. If it is not able to open we don't go. We also learned that the Alligator River Bridge is under repair 1/11-17. Another no go, or rather wait in a marina, until it is repaired and able to open.

What is the message, the lesson, here?  Flexibility? Patience? Something not yet considered?

???????? Still, love wins!

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