Saturday, January 27, 2018


Georgetown, SC

Seven plus hours riding the bucking bronco of confused seas. Totally not fun. I never felt unsafe but really uncomfortable. Definitely an ibuprofen night. I'm sure I used muscles trying to stay vertical that I've never used before.

Just out of Little River. We were confident it would get better, i.e. calmer and easier. (above)

  It didn't until 7 plus hours later when we turned into the inlet to Georgetown.

We docked at 5:15 or so after leaving at 7:30. A really difficult day of confused, bouncy, twisty, turney seas. Grace is a terrifically solid boat with a good autopilot. So I was confident of survival, just really uncomfortable. Not nauseous. Just firing and releasing so many muscles in sequence. Exhausting.

When is it going to stop? Oh, another 4 or 5 hours!

David did suggest that if we were body-surfing we'd be loving these waves. Truth.

I think my Jose Limon dance training cam in really handy today. All those head swings and upper body swings and that fall/recovery technique.

It's calm now and we got off the boat almost immediately and had dinner at Rollin' Local, sushi rolls! Rain is predicted tomorrow but rain or not we're staying in port. R&R, rest and recovery. Great day for reading or a movie. Most everything is closed here on Sundays, tomorrow but we have movies and books.


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