Thursday, January 11, 2018

"They say it's your birthday"....

Norfolk, VA

...and it is my birthday! And a big one at that. 70, I'm here!!!!! Pretty easy morning, non-structured. David said he wanted to be at West Marine at 9:00 a.m. but that didn't happen. He called to pay for an anchor then found out that it was more expensive than anticipated so took the "Paid" off. And bought a life raft from a Craigslist advertisement instead, for a lot more money. And it was strongly suggested that we leave tomorrow while it is still warm. But it is going to rain tomorrow and are we ready to leave? Not. But that sent us into a tissy of getting ready to leave, as well as getting to a credit union to get cash to pay for the life raft. Turns out that, again, I was doing a bit of waiting for David. Actually on a daily basis I do quite a bit of "waiting for David." Sometimes it is easy to do, wait. Other times it grates on my nerves something awful and I get angry that he isn't paying attention to me and my needs regarding use of MY TIME. Today it was really annoying because, after all, it IS MY BIRTHDAY. If any waiting is to be done it should be on me, waiting on me, that is. But we got through that.....again.

David and I ran a new wire/cable for the additional electronic navigation charts. Then I went to the Breezeway Cafe' to start cooking. Each time I saw anyone this morning I told them it was my birthday. Chia said so what are you doing for dinner. I confessed to needing to cook veggies and he said well let's eat together. You fix your lasagna with veggies and I'll make something other. Turned out great.

After the credit union trips we came back to the boat. I'd already done laundry - I DO know how to have fun - clean sheets on the bed. Clean clothes in the closet!! I went to the Breezeway to cook. Several folks now there. Seven of us shared dinner. I made the famous Patsy Stewart candy treats and did a much better jobTHIS time than my first. And the veggie lasagna was tasty though it didn't brown up as the picture showed. Imagine. And my new buddies brought me a cake with 3 candles. What sweetness from folks who've known me less than a month.

I had help making the "little Patsy's" below. Partners in getting the Rolos out of wrappers, clockwise from David Webster in lower right corner David, Steve, Katelyn, Chia. Steve is missing at this moment.
[Fell asleep at the computer last night so am updating/editing here with more sleep behind me.]
So, in spite of the tense beginning and middle of the day - Oh, we had astronaut food for breakfast thanks to Chia. Sort of Biscuits & Gravy with potatoes. But it was all contained in a box along with "Nut & Soy Protein Mix" and a fruit mix. The B&G were heated inside a plastic bin inside a plastic bag. I added the plastic bag of water (2 oz?) to the plastic bag with the food pod and some narrow strips of what looked like metal emory board. Water and "emory" made HEAT!! Warmed the food. Not bad and I did feel like an astronaut, eating on the aft deck, bare foot.

Post dinner with new friends, home to Grace to check the weather. We can leave for a local dock tomorrow then make our way, day-by-day, to and through the Alligator river and through the Pungo Canal to Belhaven, NC by Saturday next, should we choose to do so. It turns cold again everywhere on Monday. We'd like to be a little further south. It will happen just not sure if we leave tomorrow or Saturday...thinking Saturday. A day of boat clean up and storing.

Fading out again here in Costa rico.


1 comment:

  1. Your birthday story really gave me encouragement to make my day fully my own, keep asking and seeking for what I need it to be. Something I need to hear these days when days are still too short and temps low and I am still disinvited to my nephews wedding tomorrow.
