Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Norfolk, VA

Still cold but less wind so "comfortable" today with lots of sun. A great day for house/boat clean up and rearrange. Getting stuff relocated in order to make tomorrow's engine assault easier or easier to find things that we need while work project is going on. We have a way to contain Amelia in the galley/saloon with all her needs. I have my stuff ready to vacate when the engine work starts. I assume I'll vacate as there isn't room for 3 people in the engine compartment. David and I will take the box off the engine in the morning, sort of like opening the chest for the surgery. We're the pre-op prep people. Then the surgeon arrives. Really hoping this works to our advantage and Grace will be fit to travel before the weekend.

Not that we'll necessarily leave as snow is predicted, tomorrow, and freezing weather through the weekend and it is comforting to have dock electricity in these temperatures. Are the locks functioning? or frozen? Don't know yet. I'm assured by the dock master here that this cold weather will not last until April as it does in Maine. Thank you. Days warm up then temp goes down again. Just have to wait for a day that warms up. Two days of limited wind would be good. Hey, 7 days of limited wind would be TERRIFIC!!

Shower day. Whoohooooo! The big adventure for me was learning to dump the composting toilet's compost. Humph! All that is needed is a big plastic bag and some paper towels and another plastic bag as a drop cloth. No bad smell. No particular disgust. Then the compost goes on the flower beds (nothere) or into the dumpster. The family who cleans the toilet together probably poops together, too. Eh, sort of. Anyway a much easier project than I suspected and way better than working with the previous holding tank toilet which was always smelly. Success!

Fingers crossed for tomorrow's engine mount success.

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