Friday, January 1, 2016

January 1, 2016   New Year's Day

This was a bit of a lost day. Slept late after an evening of dancing at the restaurant that is on site at the marina we've been gifted. Great band and we lasted through the set ending around 11:00 PM. Decided to make our way back to our boat while we were still able. Dancing on concrete, even for an hour, in sweltering heat can really take a toll. David was us a bit earlier but I didn't see outside until nearly 10:00 AM...and it was already hot.

Breakfast. Wash the deck (David did that part) and we left the slip for a mooring where we'll be for another 3 nights. Moorings are less expensive and the slip was free for only 2 days. Once on the mooring we both...all three, actually....took naps again. The heat is oppressive, unusually hot here as it has been unusually warm in Maine. In my case, too, my atlas/axis has been a bit our of alignment - I'm taking after our engine - causing headache and low energy. So, a bit of stretching and pressure point work...and sleep. B

By 4 PM we were on borrowed bikes (free at the marina where we still have "privileges") and off to the grocery store. Complicated to ride bikes with coaster brakes (in the petals as in the olden days) rather than having hand brakes. I'm not sure why it is more a feeling of risk but, for me, it is. We made it back with our groceries and our selves in tact.

Dinner - chicken on the grill and cold bean/veggie salad - on board, a little t.v. on the computer and I'm ready for a bit of reading and bed...maybe to do some more neck stretching before sleep.

The weather is supposed to break to more seasonable temperatures tomorrow and even tonight it is much cooler. And I'm feeling a bit more energy. I might be getting tired of traveling, wanting to "settle" somewhere for a bit. Or I might be anxious about the up-coming maintenance that we're (David is) planning for next week, knowing it will be expensive and not knowing who to trust to do the work since we're out of our home element. And this is totally David's negotiating/managing area of knowledge. I can only listen and ask questions but have no information to add.

2016, here we come.

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