Saturday, January 9, 2016

1/9/16    Saturday  Stuart, FL   Sybil Huskey's birthday!!!

Well, today was a "SCORE" day. There was a nautical yard sale in a park in town. We arrived around 10:00 AM and split up. About 20 minutes into the saunter David called me on my cell."I'm standing by 2 Dahon folding bikes." Okay, I'll come right over. Where are you? We figured it out and there they were AND for only $75 each or 2 for $140. Well, we don't need 2 since David already has one. BUT why not and we can sell our bike. They were being sold by someone who is docked at Sunset Bay so transporting them back to the boat wasn't going to be a problem. We folded them up and put them in his car and I went off to Yoga!

Yoga was terrific, hard. Olga was the teacher for this class, too. She's just a lovely teacher. Lots of reminders and yoga philosophy sentences to help one through the more challenging holds. "Breath." "
deep breathe, in....and out." Loved it, feeling my muscles strain and learning a couple of new things. Her tactile aid was good, too, pulling my ribs forward in a seated forward fold and laying them along my thighs. A lifted heel in a lunge. and forward fold with feet mat width apart. Oooh, feel those inner thighs!

David met me after class and announced that he had to rush back to the boat to get the anchor that someone wanted to buy. Well, alright. So we both hoofed it back to the dock then took the dinghy back to the boat, retrieved the anchor and...there went David....without me. Uh? Wha? On well, kitty and I will sew. So I started sewing the velcro onto the screen. It is supposed to stick but, on fabric, it is not so secure so I'm sewing it as well as having the sticky stuff. SOLD the anchor so the bikes cost us about $40, total. Well....we did have to buy locks...bringing the cost up to $36/each. And, we'll need baskets but will wait to check the thrift shops before making a purchase. When we sell our original bike we might be $60+ collars to the good....and that feels good....given that I've overdrawn MY account. Oops!!!

I just seemed as if all the right doors were opening for us today - bikes, anchor, yoga....oh, and a haircut at half-price -

Appreciating all these gifts from the universe. And this gift from the book I just finished: "..if you believe yourself worthy of the things you fought so hard to get, then you become an instrument of God, you help the Soul of the World, and you understand why you are here." A challenge is to truly believe ourselves "worthy". And, always...why am I here? But that doesn't challenge me so much these days. I'm just asking for guidance to live generously and with compassion and actions that benefit life. I no longer need to understand why I'm here. I'm just here. Now what to do with the opportunities.

Kitty guarded the boat again today while we gallivanted about. There were lots of lizards out today, enjoying the sun. There are several that are about 8-10 inches long, orange/yellow on both ends and a brown/green in the middle. Stunning. Haven't yet been able to get a photo they are so fast to scurry out of visibility.

Still waiting for our mail to arrive, probably not until Monday now. This would be an easy place to grow roots. The amenities are top notch with showers, laundry, patio, lots of deck chairs, lounge with popcorn and wifi. In the afternoon it, the lounge, is often filled with teens doing their homework, I assume. Seems a number of live-aboards have children who are being home schooled or who are keeping up with work from their home schools. Who knew?

Rain now and lightning all around.

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