Wednesday, January 13, 2016

1/12 and 1/13/16     Tuesday and Wednesday    Stuart, FL

Oh dear. Ordinariness is setting in - the regularity and comfort of... Home, Home on the Boat (to the tune of Home on the Range). We get up. We make coffee. We drink coffee. We talk about the day and what task we each hope to accomplish. We brush out teeth. We feed the cat and scoop her poop (I'm the poop scooper...snarl). And we're off and running or reading or motoring or doing the laundry or phoning....those regular things we humans do in our daily lives, if we're lucky.

Tuesday, the day after my birthday celebrations, David took off to get boat maintenance parts. I think I stayed around the boat and did some novel reading. He returned and I took off to the Captains' lounge to do some computer work for Freeport Players and a recommendation letter for a young friend applying to uNCSA. Back home on the boat David did said maintenance work - part of it continued into today and another part will go into tomorrow - I was the helper, am the helper and will continue to be the helper, handing him paper towels, tools, trash bags as needed. I made a quick dinner and prepared for the FP Board meeting. After the meeting, with snow storm in the background in Maine, our United States of America President was giving his final State of the Union address. I love my President and am so proud to live in the country that elected him! Then, beddy-bye.

Rough night of disrupted sleep. I kept hearing a new bumping noise (things that go bump in the night) and worried, without getting up to do anything about it, that the dinghy that I may have tied to tightly was wearing a hole in its side from bumping the hull of the sail boat so often. Turns out that the dinghy didn't sink and appears none the worse for wear and my close hauled tie up. Phew!

Today - Wednesday - David took me in so I could go to my yoga class - Yin, very relaxed/released stretching. Delicious. Tomorrow is the Vinyasa strength class. I stopped at the bike shop and bought my basket and put it on. And got another photo of that/those amazing lizards.

Back at the boat David had made a maintenance repair successfully. Both of us were tired...from yesterday's work, yoga, and the lumpy sleep, so decided to close up the engine compartment and read or/and take naps and get a fresh boat maintenance start tomorrow...with new energy. So we did. David took off to get a haircut and take a shower. Dinner made and eaten we played a couple games of Take II, declined an invitation to go to a comedy night in town, and soon I'll be back to reading a new-to-me Louise Erdrich novel, The Round House

Life is good. Blessings abound.

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