Monday, January 25, 2016

1/25/16   Monday   Ft. Myers Beach, FL

Lynne Shepherd's birthday!

What a day this has been. And the ending is so beautiful.
Ft. Myers Beach Sunset
But the beginning was rough. My friend, Kelly, died this morning in hospice. She'd been in the hospital for the past 2+ months, mostly w/out a diagnosis and mostly in pain and bored. She was my neighbor for what, 20+ years, is survived by son, Landon (14) and husband, Mike, as well as a couple of nieces and 2 brothers and a passel of friends and co-workers. I'm sad. I'm relieved. I'm sad. I've great memories of her and miss her already, regretting that more opportunities to make memories are not available. Relieved because she was so very tired. Her body had really just given out. Her hospital stay was mostly boring for her. When I spoke to her on Thursday she just sounded so very tired. Breathing was labored. I suspect she wasn't particularly interested in anything I had to say and, ast, pleased that I had called her. And now, how to support Landon and Mike? Not a clue, especially from this distance.

And for my own loss of a friend, I'm particularly regretting not being with MY peeps and neighbors as we negotiate life without one of our own. Kelly has lived in this small neighborhood for those 20+ years. Surely we neighbors will be together at her funeral or maybe in a neighborhood gathering of some sort. But, I'll not be there. For sure, being back home will have a different feel this May without Kelly. No idea what Mike and Landon will continue...the garden, who mows, what about reading the paper at the picnic table? I want to be with my neighbors to tell Kelly stories and to help her son remember her as we knew her...and I'm not there. My loss completely.

And David and I have had a terrifically full day before and after the Kelly news. Talking to two boat yards this morning we've settled on Olsen Marina/yard to investigate our rudder issues. So we get hauled tomorrow around noon, hopefully to then go to lunch while they repair everything and we go back in the water, all well, at 3 PM. Sounds like a great scenario. We'll see.

then off to the BEACH! At last. The Gulf of Mexico!!!
There it is! The Gulf of Mexico!
Great stuff on this crowded beach:
Sand Cities
Amazing star fish and so many of them. This one is palm size.
A researcher.
Whelks. So many were washed up. Still alive.
We left Amelia in charge of the boat while we were at the beach. You can see here how seriously she takes her job as Bay/boat Watch.    
Amelia went out on deck several times today both with human company and without. She MUST be bored!!!

Coming back from the beach we dinghy-ed over to where we are going to be hauled tomorrow. Pre-planning our route so we won't be late. And, we ran out of gas. Just... ran out of gas. The real petrochemical kind that powers the dinghy. So we paddled to a Boat Club and begged some petrol which was generously offered. While waiting for David to procure gasoline this fine lady (or fellow:) came to visit.    
Big Blue or Big Bird? This great blue was within 10" of me.
So, with gasoline we made it back to the boat in time to toast the setting sun, finished dinner of leftovers. Now to do a few more small tasks before bed. We'll be sleeping in the fo'c's'le as we've torn the aft cabin bed apart so that the mechanic has easy access to the rudder and steering compartment tomorrow.

New adventures.

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