Sunday, January 3, 2016

1/3/16   Sunday  Stuart, FL

Really great game....until the last half of the last quarter...when Pats lost to the Miami Dolphins. Painful falling apart of the Pats' defense and the Dolphins were so organized. Some amazing playing and so sad that the Patriots clutched so badly that last quarter.

Meanwhile, we got the laundry done, walked to the "green market" which was more crafts (very good crafts) than greens but the walk was good, and I'm reading a terrific book Peace like a River by Leif Enger. Easy to just keep reading and reading and reading.

Tomorrow, now that we're "after new years" David will start the talking to and negotiating w/boat yards and mechanics to determine how to deal with our engine misalignment issue. We're both nervous....about how to determine who to trust, about the potential complexity of the issue, about the potential cost of repair, about the potential cost of staying in place for an as yet to be determined amount of time. I'll be checking out Air BnB either later tonight or tomorrow, just as a back up.

I've also been procrastinating regarding my FCP responsibilities. I'm in a kind of limbo of holidays, displacement, lack of the familiar. On the positive side - kitty seems to have finished her throwing up bouts and I've finished my vertigo bouts AND the heat has subsided and AND David and I still love each other. David is bearing the brunt of the boat angst. About all I can do is be a sounding board, lend moral support, ask questions and cook dinner. But the waiting to have information and options from which to choose is all about waiting and is disconcerting - action being the element we both are most comfortable in. Hopefully, we learn a great deal tomorrow and our options become obvious with the best option crystal clear. Prayers, meditation, waiting and weighing....oh my. I'd love my energy to be focused and productive...and productive in a way that is obvious to me. Okay. Doesn't have to be obvious to me as long as it is productive. In Biblical parlance...I'd like a clear sign....several clear signs that don't conflict with each other.  I'm remembering that I can ask my ancestors and spirits for help...that will require putting my book and my worry down and devoting some time and energy to the practice of calming, listening, asking, listening.  And, I have remembered that I can get that spiritual/spirit plane help, a source I'd forgot about until now. Thanks, All, for the reminder.

The wind is rocking the boat tonight and it has been spitting rain for several hours. We're snug here. And have clean sheets.

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