Sunday, January 24, 2016

1/24/16     Sunday         Fr. Myers Beach, FL

Sadness. Just learned that my/our friend, Kelly, has been moved to hospice. She has been in the hospital for more than 2, nearly 3 months, with a mysterious illness, virus maybe and her systems just seem to be shutting down. Sigh. Modern medicine is not as miraculous as I'd like it to be at this moment. Godspeed, Kelly. Blessings to her surviving family.

So David and I survived yesterday's high winds and today was a sunny wonder...though cooler than I think FL temps should be. We got ourselves up and out of Ft Myers by 1 PM -ish and made our way via motor down the last 10+ miles of the Caloosahatchee River to the Sanibel Inlet and the Gulf of Mexico!!! We saw it. And we almost entered it.

The miles were easy. I was the helms person most of the time. Made only one wrong turn and had to backtrack a quarter mile or less. David was talking to several different folks to get opinions and advice about our sloppy rudder post...the slop we discovered during the high winds 2 evenings ago. It is really great to have people we/he trusts to offer advice, knowing we don't have to do what they say but excellent to have their knowledgeable opinions. The opinion we most want to follow is from Don who suggests the problem is with the rudder stuffing box and to have someone here or in the Keys have a look at it. We've all decided it isn't catastrophic, but something that should be repaired/remedied. So we'll call the suggested boat yard here in Ft Myers Beach first thing tomorrow morning. Hoping to get a quick out and in (out of the water and back in again) and have the mechanic discover the simple problem - maybe stuffing box needs repacking - and fix it...and off we'll go to the last. We'll see what happens in the morning. If not a quick remedy we will wait or we'll stay and enjoy Sanibel and Captiva Islands while the work is done.

The moon is beautiful tonight.   And we are safe, warm, cozy.

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