Wednesday, January 6, 2016

1/6/16    Wednesday  Stuart, FL

We are experiencing that famous Florida liquid sunshine...aka, RAIN. Heavy, chilly rain.

We've just returned, through 5-7 blocks of "just walking - running - in the rain". Finally, we got to see other cousin, Kathryn, and meet her husband, Lew. They took us out to dinner in the old part of Stuart. Lovely time chatting and catching up. So glad to see Kathryn as our paths don't cross very often. We were thinking we'd leave Stuart tomorrow but it turns out that we're expecting some packages to be delivered to Kathryn and Lew's house in the next couple of days. So here we are until then. Good. Another chance to see Kathryn.

Finally, today, Rick the mechanic ( a connection and recommendation came through above Lew), came today and repaired our engine - gave it a chiropractic adjustment. He and a helper, Henry or Harry, and David worked for about 3 hours on the dock here at Sunset Bay Marina where we're moored. Excellent! No haul out charge. No additional "yard" charge. Just a half day on the dock. We also filled our water tanks and pumped out the toilet holding tank. Then took the boat for a spin. All good.

And, we'll go tomorrow morning to look at another folding bike...for me. Notice on the bulletin board that there are 2 at a nearby consignment. Crossing fingers that they (or one) is exactly (or close enough) what we're looking for.

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