Monday, January 11, 2016

1/10/16   Sunday    Stuart, FL

Wow! What happened to this day? No photos. How boring. Still haven't been able to get that lizard in the phone lens...yet.

It was a cloudy, blustery day. We even had little whitecaps here in the mooring field. I thought to get up and go early to the Green Market (farmers' market) to see if any baby bok choy was available. Not only did I not get up early. I didn't get off the boat until after 4:00 PM. Up early? Just didn't seem worthwhile. Actually, I was up and making coffee around 7 AM but moving slowly, sore from yoga and biking yesterday. And it was cloudy but the sun did come out and it got hot...for about 1/2 hour.

We had coffee. Then French Toast on the foredeck then made it a day of beauty and order, home improvement projects. David put up the wind scoop he got yesterday at the nautical yard sale. It works GREAT! It is a triangle with one angle attached to the forestay and the other 2 points along the cabin top on the port and starboard sides, high at the forestay and lower at the back ends...making a corralling effect of wind into the fo'c'sal and galley. Ventilation in those stuffy areas, at last. Now if we could rig something to work the same way in the aft cabin!!! So that is definitely a home improvement!!!

I had a great chat w/Sybil in our tradition of talking on the day between our birthdays. For 2 days she is my older woman friend and then my/her advantage runs out. Then I beat our run to within an inch of its life. It IS gratifying to see the dusk and some of the cat hair leaving on the breeze. I finished a repair to the forward hatch screen. David did some looking and deep thinking about our solar panel hook up. And we both did some thinking about a better version of refrigeration, how much it would cost, if we knew enough about this present system.

Laundry happened. It was easy and now we have clean, un-kitty littered sheets. We had a sweet visit with a YOUNG, married couple tonight. They have been married 7 months and are sailing/traveling from their GA home on a 32' sailing vessel, Ariel. They are so opposite - she is fiery and processes everything out loud (even more than I do!!), he is stoic and circumspect; she is about hotels and room service, he is about tents and campfires. Phew! They have a hard row to figure out how to negotiate their hopes, fears and small spaces. We did a bit of marriage counseling.

Looking forward to a long snooze tonight.

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