Thursday, January 28, 2016

1/28/16   Thursday   Ft. Myers Beach, FL

Another day for walking on the the RAIN. It did it again today...rained all day long, sometimes heavy, sometimes light mist...great for the skin. David and I left the boat around 8:30 this morning to try the recommended Heavenly Biscuit cafe for breakfast. Biscuits were terrific. My breakfast sandwich was delicious (w/tomato). David's biscuit and gravy, mediocre and should have been returned. But the adventure was fine. Then we decided to go to the beach before hitting the grocery store for the produce sale.

We were definitely overdressed for the beach in our foul weather pants and jackets. When we left the boat the weather was definitely foul but we could have been in shorts and rain jacket on the beach. Beaches are for getting wet, after all. Last night's storm and this morning's low tide had left lots of seaweed and whelks on the the shore. And starfish body parts were strewn everywhere. And some tiny spiral shells. Did sun salutes facing west toward TX. I'm sure the sun didn't mind since it was invisible anyway. Felt good to stretch and bend and breath. The ocean was a muted, soft green; horizon a light to dark grey; sand a grey/brown/cream. Interesting color palette this morning.

Meanwhile, back at the food store there was a sale on produce. Happens the last Thursday of the month. Curious. Why then? But we participated and got some regulars plus oranges and mangoes. Back at the boat, through light rain, I completed the sewing on the arm of the pilot house seat while David dinghy-ed to a marina to pick up a zinc and prepare for tomorrow's haul out. "If its not one thing, its 'your rudder!'" is our mantra today and tomorrow. David had a great interaction with the mechanic who will likely work on our boat. We'll show up EARLY tomorrow morning so he can check it out IN the water (out IN - odd arrangement of opposite words) ...hoping the repair can be done without the haul out. Of course, we, first, need to learn what needs repairing.

We installed the other string of LED lights in the saloon tonight. Wow! a modern "kitchen" with under-cabinet indirect lighting. Really lovely. If you'd not seen the "before" you'd not appreciate the "after" but the difference is great.

Lots of people out in their boats today...on deck, in the cockpit, in the dinghy. All a bit stir-crazy I expect. Most everything on our boat is damp. Those towels I'd left out on the clothesline to dry yesterday are now draped over the chair and steering in the pilot house, not quite dripping. My feet are dry and in socks tonight.

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