Thursday, January 14, 2016

1/14/16    Thursday   Stuart, FL

Disappointment. I missed yoga this morning. Just started too late and couldn't move quite fast enough getting off the boat. So. Coffee and a warm shower and a visit w/Mary commiserating about past bad weather and boat/travel challenges.

David and I came back to the boat and took Grace for a warm-the-oil- up spin...then, dove into maintenance! Roll up the rug. Open up that engine compartment. Drain that oil. Get that oil filter casing off. Take that impeller out. Change those sacrificial zincs. Etc. Then put it all back together again. Not a single screw or bolt left over. My husband is amazing. All this between lunch and before our English friends, Joann and Craig, came at 5:00 PM for drinks and chips. TaDa!

Now I'm slightly drunk - 3 Dark & Stormies are a bit over my limit. Glad I'm not driving tonight. Dinner is eaten. Dishes washed. Leftovers ready for soup tomorrow.

Life is good.

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