Sunday, January 17, 2016

1/17/16     Sunday     Stuart, FL

"The wind is blowing...." but its not snowing. But, brother and sister, the wind did BLOW and thunder and lightning happened early morning and wind throughout the day. I heard David up on the aft deck way before dawn. He came in to ask me to come and help him put another anchor line additional line on the mooring. Sure, happy to do that in the dark with the wind topping 30 knots. Actually, life jackets donned, out we went. It was warm air, just moving much more swiftly than was comfortable. Flattening out over the "pulpit" (think ol' what's her name in that famous movie about the really big ship that hit the iceberg, on her belly rather than standing at the bow of the boat) I was able to run another line through the pennant. We felt so secure after the addition that we went back to sleep for another hour or so. The wind whipped us around, though, because we have so much windage.

And then there was the remaining last maintenance gig with the engine. I wondered if it would take and hour or two. Four hours later we closed the engine compartment so we could meet cousin Kathryn. We took the dinghy into the dock...a wet ride due to the wind and waves. Did the laundry. Had a bagel and a mimosa - the Marina's "brunch" for all the customers. Kathryn and Lew were not able to come visit after all so we came back around 5 PM.

Friends who were anchored took off for the other side of the river early this morning. Since they were anchored and on the lee shore they wanted to get away from the shore. They came back at the same time we were returning to Grace.  They agreed to come over after we'd all had dinner. We saw a beautiful, dramatic sunset while cooking out.
Ready to move on to our next destination now...tomorrow, unless we have to stay another day to sell one of the bikes. Someone has expressed interest. Hoping for calmer seas.

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