Saturday, March 3, 2018

yoga and more

Lake Worth, West Palm Beach, FL

Yesterday, Friday, 3/2, we spent/David spent much of the morning...the day...continuing to figure out engine overheating event.I thought we were going to go play first but that didn't work out. We tested the injectors, measured the temperature at so many spots on the engine and the temperature of the water leaving the exhaust. David turned himself upside down over the side of the dinghy, literally, to see if he could notice any line wrapped around the prop. No, so wrapping the prop as the cause of the engine overheating is inconclusive.  Meanwhile the engine was running and running and running and the noise was getting to me, similar to the wind the day before. I tried to find a place inside Grace to work on taxes. Not possible to think so I tried outside. Sun too hot and wind too fierce. I gave up thinking and put on hearing mufflers, just in time for David to say, "I think it is fixed, fixed itself."
I love it when things fix themselves!!!

Finally we put the outboard motor o the dinghy and made our way to shore, biked to the Manatee Lagoon. No manatees but many large  barracuda  swimming in the "lagoon" next to the warm water discharge of the power plant. Back at the sailing club we took showers, had a glass of wine and met new boating buds to go to dinner, two men who are also planning to cross to the Bahamas when the wind and seas lay 2020. Naw. It won't be that long.

John and Matt were introduced to us via email by our friends Diane and Greg. John and I have been chatting through messages. They had a car for 24 hours and offered to come get us to go to a Caribbean restaurant with them. YES! of course, we'd love to join them. They were fun. Chatterboxes. Experienced crossers to the Bahamas but never in John's boat, a Cheoy Lee though about 7' larger than our previous boat. We'll stay in touch but likely not become fast friends. Lovely evening though and they will check in on the nautical yard sale at "our" sailing club tomorrow.

Saturday, 3/3

The wind continues to blow from the north. Choppy Lake Worth. Rocking boat is fine and comfortable.

We were up early to hear Chris Parker's Caribbean weather watch and forecast. No go for the next week.Okay. I'm good with that. Maybe we'll go to a spring training ball game.

Went ashore to meet a man selling his RIB (rigid inflatable boat). The rigid bottom is more substantial and can be pulled up on the beach, or cross coral, without puncturing the bottom. Ours is not rigid. We decided not to buy. Rather do some repairs o ours and clean it up a bit.

I biked to yoga class at the Manatee Lagoon. Free class. A good one. Feels great to concentrate on the verticality of my spine that I don't do so much on my own. I try to do some yoga or dance stretches on board but end doing only the things I like rather than pushing myself to work longer or do harder, less comfortable things. So class is always good for me.

The dark lines are barracudas swimming in the lagoon, the warm water outlet from the power plant. There were dozens of them and I'm estimating they were about 2' - 4' long. When David and I were watching them yesterday they all ruffled the surface ast. Not sure what caused that ensemble event.

Beautiful water color. This was taken from the balcony of the yoga class space.

Rendezvous with David then we each took off on bikes in opposite directions...he to the BOW (Boat Owners Warehouse) and me to the Farmers' Market in Norwood Village. Now I'd already completed a 75 minute yoga class. Just saying. I started riding south and I rode and rode...and rode. Finally asked some people where the market was. Lady told me farther but turn at the next block to get next to the water ( a safer street but she didn't say that). The neighborhood farther from the water is a bit sketchy David and I learned yesterday. The ride down Flagler Drive is beautiful...water to the east and huge mansions to the west of the road. Two other bikers passed me. "Where's the market," I yelled. "A couple more blocks."

It was a huge market with the park for food stuffs of all sorts, prepared and raw/fresh. I bought corn on the cob, strawberries, broccoli and guacamole to bring home and a savory crape to eat there. Delicious and great lunch companions who happened to be at the same place I was. We chatted and chatted. The he of the couple was especially taken with our boating adventure and had lots of questions. Fun.

Another section of the market, a short road connecting another park, was dedicated to antique and yard sale and craft or retail venders. Packed with customers. I'd come upon that area first and locked my bike to a stop sign. Hard to get through the crowds with just my backpack. I ran into a boating friend several times in the two markets.

I was a tired puppy by the time I done my shopping tour of the two areas and ridden back to the sailing club. When David returned from his adventures and arrived back at our boat I took two Ibuprophen and went for a nap...horizontal for about two hours with some reading spread among napping. Turns out that my trip was 5 miles round trip. I'll likely be sore by Monday. A two day lag time for me.

An at home evening.  Kitty managed to stay cool and relaxed in our absence.



  1. Nancy I so much love reading about your adventures! So happy to be able to follow cousins and friends doing Something Big! Love from Suzanne and Lee

  2. Love seeing Miss Amelia! And...ohh, I felt your tired, well-worked muscles. We ain't 25 anymore. Ugh!
