Friday, March 16, 2018

Blue Line/Yellow Line

Lake Worth, FL

Thursday 3/15/20
We went to town today...West Palm Beach...cereal and coffee for breakfast and then we were off the boat. We took the bikes to Northwood Village, the neighborhood of West Palm Beach that is being revitalized through the arts with BIG murals on sides of buildings..2 or 3 story buildings...lots of arts studios and restaurants and funky little stores... antiques and "treasures." Our first stop was a Thrift Store. I bought a pair of stretch jeans and 2 books. Score! Now my lightweight jeans can be relegated to "work" clothes except that I've sworn off "work," maybe really distressed "at home out of public view" jeans.

We locked our bikes in front of the storefront USPO and jumped on a Blue Line Trolley. It took us on a trip to the WPB Outlet Mall, a rather LARGE shopping mall. We didn't want to go there but that was part of the trip. Retracing its pathway the trolley came back to where it had picked us up then went on to another pathway which intersected with the Yellow Line which would take us to another part of downtown.

By this time we were hungry so got off at the Publix..the one we'd taken an Uber to a couple days ago...which is a half block from the City Place, an amazing shopping, entertainment venue complex.

Multi-level and just keeps curving around...high end stores...lots of bars and food...a huge movie theater complex...and these beautiful shadows of palm trees.

We wandered around for a while, unwilling to leave this space but not wanting to "shop" since we neither needed nor wanted anything in these stores.

Actually I need to replace my favorite sunglasses, the red ones, because the lens keeps popping out since I dropped them and now I've finally lost the lens. But the first pair I picked up in the Sunglass Hut cost $163. Clearly, I'm in the wrong store.

The same place but from a different angle. The fountain spouts lovely rainbow patterns. Rainbow because the water has light from our beautiful sun shining through it.

We had lunch at a fast food South Western place. When finished we walked around the "Place." David settled on a park bench to make a phone call or two. I went in search of the ice cream we'd passed. We re-did our pathway...Yellow to Blue to bikes to the Sailing Club.

David took off to Grace because he'd received the part that was, indeed, mailed to him within a couple of days. I went to yoga and saw...7 manatees, including a mom and baby.

As far as I know this is neither the mom nor the baby. The "bump" hear her tail is a sheepshead fish. I've seen those fish close to the manatees several times. I assume eating part of the manatees environment.

Would love to go early tomorrow morning when the water is still coolest but doubt that will happen.

We dined on board late then had a late night visit from Mary Beth who lives aboard with her partner about 30 yards from us. She is secretary/greeter at the Sailing Club. We remind her of her parents and says we are in good company with them as they are wonderful. She was checking on another neighborhood boat and stopped by (because she likes us), came aboard, wine and chatted for about an hour. Her small dog, Milo, whimpered so was allowed on our deck. Amelia was on the seatee in the pilot house. Dog and cat eyed each other but no one left their respective posts. We gossiped about club politics and the unfortunate event of another neighbor's van being broken into and equipment stolen. The club is lax on security even though the security equipment is available on site. The theft caused us to move our bikes to a more well lit spot. So far, so good.

David has a gig and will make a little money from it! Our "mooring field mayor" neighbor, also a yacht broker is away in Maryland showing a boat. A couple want to see two boats that are here this weekend and Cal asked David if he would show them (!). Well, yes. So Saturday a couple will arrive from Ft. Lauderdale and Captain David will dinghy them around to the two boats, open them up (the boats) and allow the couple to visit as long as they want. Ooh and aah, appropriately, dinghy them back to shore then close the boats up. And get a little travel fund money for the fun.

Friday, 3/16/20

Amelia was up more in keeping with her land schedule last night...4 times, mostly for a little food. She does have a weird eating schedule, even for an elder. She and I finally got up and stayed up around 8:00 a.m. and she wanted to go out on the deck. A recent decent as she'd not been interested...maybe since we made our first try for the Bahamas. That was traumatic enough to keep even the saltiest feline inside. But this morning she went out several times on her own. I made coffee and took a blanket to the aft deck and she came and went and had a lap-sit with me a couple times. When David joined me Amelia also came out, the entire boat family for a little while...watching the reshuffling of the BIG boats at Rybovich and the parade of smaller boats going to the boat show which is next (not this) weekend in town. It's going to be a huge show with section of town totally blocked off. All power boats. David looked up the price of 96' - 200' boats and found that they started at around $43 million. OMG, what we are looking at across the way!

Boat stuff today. New thermostat in place, running the engine to heat the oil for a new oil sample to take to the lab later this afternoon. Then at least a dinghy ride to find the boats to be shown tomorrow, maybe a Grace ride somewhere. We've not been off mooring since # 2 attempt at the Bahamas.

Another new Amelia habit...she best enjoys eating if I hold her bowl for her. It doesn't have to be higher than the floor but it is best if I'm holding it and sitting with her...maybe a few petting strokes, too.

Princess feline.

Beautiful, lighter wind day. Still cool and the wind has shifted more from the west. We consider whether or not to continue our Bahamas ambition, depending upon the outcome of the oil test, or, if oil test is fine, to just start a slower, adventuresome journey north.

At this moment I'd vote to cross to the Bahamas if we have good - that is calm seas and favorable wind - weather. I'd like to have that successful experience under my belt. I don't think the journey will get easier or my courage greater as my years advance. But with a successful experience....who knows maybe anther trip with ore than a week to stay. Still considering.

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