Monday, March 12, 2018

another day without snow

Lake Worth, FL

A restless night with dream segments but nothing really narrative. And Amelia was awake differently than she has been these last couple of weeks. So I worried about her a bit and was alert to her movement and needs, as far as I can determine her needs.

We listened to Chris Parker's weather this morning. I appreciate that I'm beginning to know where places are by name and where the wind is by degrees on the compass. New information and knowledge by osmosis. Our young friends who'd left yesterday called in to get the weather from Mangrove (?) to Great Sale. Wonderful to hear of him, thus them, about the progress they've made.

We hung the bicycles over the aft deck, a new way to get them into the dinghy, using the mizzen boom to lower them. Much easier this way since the bimini structure went up. Muscle-ing them down the small side deck has always been arduous. Over the aft railing with mechanical help rocks! So both bikes are back on land.

David took off on an errand and I had a great catch-up conversation with my dear friend, Stacy. What a treat! I'm blessed with good friends near and far. I charged my computer and took a survey through Survey Junkie, a don't-get-rich-too-quick idea. Makes me a little nervous but I'm doing it anyway. Spare time on my hands and no dance studio or open space. And sort of fun. One survey was about aging in place about things that stand in the way of that process and ideas of how to mitigate those issues.

Back on the boat David went into the engine "room" to investigate a couple other leads in the overheating engine challenge. I took on "what to do with the sleeping bag now that it is 70+ degrees." I was thinking to throw it overboard. But I found a place to bury it instead. Life is not too bad when you no longer need and can bury the sleeping bag!

The day progressed. Still have not found the potential cause of engine hot flashes. Tomorrow we'll test the thermostat. Now wouldn't it be EXCELLENT if a faulty thermostat is the cause. Fingers crossed. I'm really weary of boat issues, along with weather issues. Just today I was getting used to the idea that we were to be here for another week, no hope of leaving before the weekend due to weather in the Gulf Stream. So thinking how to enjoy this place... copying the song...if you're not in the place you love, love the place you're in. I'm down with that. Art museum. And tomorrow a yoga class, at least, and a bike ride. The great rain storms, squalls, seem to be over for a while. I'm down with that, too.

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