A totally delicious day...weather-wise and activity-wise. We were up relatively early...for vacationers...and off the boat by 9:15. I asked directions to Memorial Park and a woman said "we're walking there. Want to walk with us?" Great. Leaders. A small group from the marina were off to the March For Our Lives activities here in Stuart.

How can I admire someone who votes against everything I believe in...Education, EPA, gun buying control?
I appreciate that he served my country in the armed forces and am sorry for the sacrifice of his lower limbs (which he exhibited in his formal shorts). But he is in a position to support reasonable, responsible gun legislation and doesn't.
It still amazes me that the NRA has been able to stop ALL research into the causes of gun violence...and the scientific opportunities to
reduce it. Center for Disease Control has no power...yet....if this regard. "Yet" being until those in the pockets of NRA are out of Congress.
My favorite.
Think she might be an art teacher/artist.
Kathryn and Lew picked us up and took us on another adventure to a wildlife rescue center. It was having an open house and a hawk was to be released back into the wild.
I'd never seen this bird before. I thought the handler said it was a Caricari but I can't find it in my bird book or on Google. A very handsome creature. The top of its head is black..not that box behind it.
There were several hawks, three owls. I think David has a good photo but he hasn't sent it along to me, lots of pelicans, a couple Bald Eagles, several snakes. Snakes? Who brings injured snakes in and how are they rehabilitated?
Two parrots like this one. The volunteer said someone just dropped them off. They weren't injured. Someone else commented that they live longer than humans and perhaps their owner had died or become unable to care for them. Both were so beautifully colorful.
Then we were off on another adventure, a drive to see a house lot they'd bought years and years ago and would probably never build on. We reminded them of the lot we'd inherited from my grandmother, through my parents...that we'd never build on and that we continue to pay taxes on for some stupid reason...rather than sell it at a loss...loss of all the taxes we've already paid. Oh, for dumb!!!
On our drive through the slowly developing development Lew pointed out Sandhill Cranes...a pair with two chicks.
What a treat.
What a total delight to spend time with Kathryn and Lew...time I've never spent with my cousin as we were enough different in age...until we reached our 50s+ and 60s+ and lived far enough apart opportunity did not exist. I'm grateful to have this time with her/them and so appreciative of their love, time and willingness to show us their community and sights.
After the cranes Lew wanted to go to a nursery to check on the construction of a growing pot he'd made from a 5 gallon bucket. Apparently, an avid gardener had made these popular and Lew wanted to buy plants (tomatoes and peppers) so he could grow.
A huge place with all sorts of plants. This beauty, a pitcher plant of some sort on a vine was in the plant trash heap. Gorgeous.
We stopped at the food store where we stocked up on vegetables for the next leg of our sailing journey. Said goodby to Kathryn and Lew with lots of hugs and thanks. Back on Grace we talked about what needed to be done before leaving tomorrow. Not very much as we're getting lax in our needs. Always attentive to safety but definitely in vacation mode in terms of improvements and beauty and order.
We are, I am, so very blessed and so very grateful
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