Sunday, March 11, 2018

daylight savings rest

Lake Worth, FL

Alright. Got through that. Some conversation with David, challenging questions for both of us but some new understanding of viewpoints,. Not necessarily any change of action there a point? Yes, called communication. I did a bit of sewing to move along that hatch screen I began when we were in Manatee Pocket...seems like months ago but only weeks. Realizing that our friends, Gary and Jayne, are on their way north again, stopping to visit St. Augustine for a week or so.

We partied on a neighboring boat last eve...drinks and snacks and conversation with 2 other neighbor boaters. Others were in their mid/late 40s to mid 50s. Youngsters. Fun. A little loud and not particularly interested in getting to know us better in that environment. We left around 9, being the elders, and the party continued even more loudly with the 5 remaining folks. I was quietly offended by one woman's description of an elderly gentleman she followed up a marina ramp. She spoke of him as being in his 90s and made fun of his slowness and gait. She is a missionary. Unfortunate, her lack of generosity, patience and not embracing difference.

Except for that small excursion to the neighboring boat about 20 yards away, we've been on Grace for two days now. Slept in this morning. No need to check the weather as we're not leaving for the Bahamas until we resolve the engine overheating issue. So, slept in. Even Amelia was delighted to sleep until past 8 which was really past 9 AM given the start of daylight savings time.

Both David and I did some reading, texting, I had a wonderful catch-up phone call with my friend, Carol. We put some cleaner in the engine as suggested to our boating friend, hoping that would begin to address the engine discontent.  David continued in the engine compartment and I searched for the manual for our solar panels operation. Not too much luck on my end, found the quick start brochure, but/and I did eliminate lots of paper that was no longer timely or was duplicated elsewhere. My continuing effort to consolidate or toss.

We took a nap around 5 PM and got up to sit on the aft deck, then dine. David just finished a long chat with a boating buddy/friend from 2 years ago, asking for engine/cooling advice. Dan is a refrigeration expert.

Weird dreams last eve: getting ready for a dance rehearsal and having no idea what the movement was. I repeated this dream at least twice during the night. Stress dream for real. The other dream, also repeated at least twice had to do with being on a steep roof and trying to get onto the steep ladder in order to get down. The challenge was to get down the roof to the ladder without sliding off the roof, then to get on the ladder without pushing the ladder away, then to stay close enough to the roof to not push the ladder away with me on it. The 2nd time through the dream I thought that if I was on the ladder and it started falling backwards I needed to remember to fall flat on my back for less injury. That time there was deep water below the ladder. Safer. ????

My mother's energy (my mother) has been really present the past couple of days. Glad to have her here.

1 comment:

  1. Is there a way to make a dance around the boat? On a dock? Start dancing and ask another to dance alongside you? Perform where you are? Make a dance that is a beseeching prayer to Neptune or Amphitrite? Maybe not as easy as making a watercolor...but... The idea is to feel your power and manifest it, release it into the universe.
