Sunday, March 18, 2018


Lake Worth, FL  3/18/20

It is beautiful here tonight. It has been beautiful here all day long! Warm, sunny, gentle wind. And tonight much the same except not sunny. The sliver moon and evening star have already dipped below the western horizon. Most of the pleasure boats large and small have gone home. There are no more hooting, hollering over-crowded boats going by. Lots of city lights, and boats at dock lights, but we are far enough from both that they are wonderful impressionistic lights, nodding to the fact that this IS a city with city dwellers.

So I type in the dark. David is investigating something in the lighted saloon/galley and Amelia is sleeping beside me up in the pilot house.

WE WENT SAILING today. Up not so early and puttered and read and watched and remembered. Around noon, a bit before, I suggested that I'd be ready to leave the mooring in about 5 minutes...and we both were ready. Amelia was still talking about "Well yes! We've all been delighted to have experiences to share. And sailing, if it is as calm as today's trip, is fine enough for a nap at sea."

smaller waves

beautiful color

not quite gulf stream or Bahamas color but....really pretty.

David tried out our fishing hear...his fishing gear...I really want no part of the potential results.

His first catch? Seaweed! His second and third and fourth catches...seaweed.  Vegan eating tonight? NOT.

It was a slow, gentle sail along the coast line north of West Palm Beach. I think we topped out, speed-wise, at 2.2 knots.

Slow. Gentle.

Our sails were full though.

Back on the boat for dinner of lasagna with artichokes and asparagus. Delicious and enough for lunch tomorrow. We had a verbal altercation with a local diver whose mooring we were on for a week. We'll pay him even though the ball damages, cosmetically, our hull. We are on anchor tonight just outside Rybovich. Holy cow those are LARGE vessels, especially this close.

Hard to see but there is a helicopter on the middle aft deck of the "little" boat that is motoring away from me. The helicopter hovered near us then sped away then came back and hovered closer to its home boat that was waiting in the channel in from of our mooring. Then hovering close, close, close to home boat. I thought it might be picking up or dropping off goods or humans. But, NO. It landed. And the boat left.

Another neighbor.

The wealth gets a little tiring but identifying the various country flags is interesting. Lots of British and UK looking flags...territories?

The weather is still not looking of the coming week. We'll get the oil test results and make a final decision. The overheating issue has been solved with the new thermostat. David speaks of being tired of WPB. Too much of a city with amenities to far away requiring Uber. We're talking about aborting the Bahama trip for this year. Great effort but, oh my, this has been a difficult, challenging journey.

Amelia and I have an aft deck sit. I watch the boats. She naps. David joined us for coffee and photo.

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