Thursday, March 29, 2018

my hero...again

3/29/18  Titusville, FL

...and this time it wasn't even a boat issue. Only my own issue. Leaning over to put groceries in the dinghy my glasses tumbled into the water at the dock. Pooperhead! The glasses that allow me to see charts and small type on my phone, etc, the rather expensive trifocal ones were hooked in the front of my shirt. Now if I had a cleavage and if the cleavage I don't have was a little higher from my waist, holding my glasses there would be no problem. But they went into the water. Not even a splash. Just a quick slide into invisibility.

These waters, not very deep, maybe 6', max are not, however, the clear "see the bottom in 12' of water" that we had in West Palm Beach...just a soupy, lentil brown color. David went to the office and was directed to the fuel dock to get a fish net. I dragged the net around the area where my glasses had fallen with no luck. David took over and went a little farther away from the midsection of the dinghy. He brought up an oyster shell. More blind searching...and up came my glasses in the net. Hurrah! Hero, mine!!!

Way more successful fishing with the net than just the seaweed he caught with his fishing rod. I have other glasses on board but these are the most recent prescription so I'm glad to have them back.

Other than that drama it was a pretty low key day. 

Sunrise was what you see. Beautious! I think that spot is about where the rocket launch will take place on Monday if all goes as planned.

We did that not so onerous task of cleaning the composting toilet this morning but mostly were having a leisurely morning.

I had a great catch-up conversation with friend, Diana, me on the aft deck, she in her apt in NYC. 

We left the boat around noon to do some errands including the grocery shopping, NAPA shopping for boat needs and a little tour around downtown Titusville. Some old architecture, a closed bank with a beautiful sweeping staircase to 2nd floor (where the important banking was, no doubt, done), an impressive chandelier, and two equally impressive vault doors. Couldn't decide if the town is on the upswing or downslide. A fun bakery/coffee shop and great open spaces with view of river but many closed storefronts, too.

We spent about an hour in the Titusville History Museum which was full of stuff from military machetes to dolls and doll clothes from the 1800s. Lots and lots of old postcards picturing Main Street and Washington Street during horse/buggy and early electric car days. Some grand houses and hotels. Hotels gone but some of the houses, apparently, remain and have been restored.

Fun day. And this evening the wind is really breezing up with small whitecap waves and a bit of rocking. Glad we're on a mooring rather than anchor.

And the moon, nearly full, is brilliant.

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