Friday, March 23, 2018


Stuart, FL

Total vacation mode. This was sunset last night, 3/22/18.

Cousin Kathryn and Lew scooped us up and took us on an adventure...a drive to Jensen Beach...a mini road trip across the Roosevelt Bridge and along some roads and twists and turns. Lots of conversation and all the time looking for an interesting place to have breakfast or lunch. What great cousins and playmates. They were so kind to take us away from where we could get on our own.

We found Maria's Gourmet Kitchen and had wonderful food...a artichoke sandwich, a stuffed french toast and a couple other delicious meals. Perfect as was the day and the company. It's fun getting to know Kathryn and Lew better. We've never had opportunity to really play together, since really early childhood. I was realizing that the photo of me, Cheryl and Kathryn at the St. Augustine fort was when Kathryn was about 2 years old. I think they moved away from Winston-Salem not too long after that. Kathryn talks about growing up in Florida at Lighthouse Point. I recognize the house when she showed me a photo on her phone.  Sigh.

We've lived a long time. I'm/we're blessed. More so as we grow closer with age. Really blessed.

Hard to remember exactly what David and I did after being dropped off. I picked up two books and finished one today...taking most of the day to read, sometimes on the aft deck and sometimes in bed while David napped. Such luxury.

It's a bit chilly out so long pants and sweat shirt. David and I took the shuttle to "shop" today. David also took his bike so he could take his time and bike back, stopping at other places along the way. He found, and bought, a machete so he can attack coconuts as the pros do.

I found an inexpensive place for a hair cut which I desperately wanted/needed. Letting my locks grow out is fine but without shaping is really ugly. Even the shuttle driver appreciated my new do. As do I!

So vacation. I came back to the boat and did a few small things...banking, bills before indulging in romance novel, At the Water's Edge by the woman who wrote Water for Elephants. Good but pretty light.

We'll join the March for Our Lives here in Stuart tomorrow and then go with Kathryn and Lew to a wildlife refuge center in the afternoon.

Planning Sunday to depart for Cape Kennedy, a 2-4 day trip depending upon how many times we want to stop. We want to be there for the rocket launch on April 2.  And I found out today that April 1 is Easter.  Just not paying attention to calendars this week.

This is the lighthouse at Jupiter, FL, Kathryn's mom's favorite. Kathryn took an amazing photo of it with the light on and a beam of light traveling straight up into the atmosphere. Hello, Betty!  And I'm remembering Marcy Plavin who's joining angel day was yesterday a year ago.

Yes, we have lived many years and are embracing many experiences, humans and other life forms. So many opportunities to love! And to be loved.  Blessings abound.

Oh, and this title, Americanah, is the other book I just finished by Ms Adichi. Thanks to Alison and Liz for introducing me to this author.

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