3/31/18 Titusville, FL
What a lazy day...in the beginning anyway. Even Amelia slept in until 8:00 a.m., as did David and I. Actually David was snoozing until around 9. But even though I was up and about the boat, I didn't get out of my jammies until around 1:00 p.m. Then there was a rush to get off the boat to get to laundry, groceries and NAPA, always NAPA for boat fix it parts.
Turns out that everyone was on the same wave regarding laundry. There were only 3 washers, 3 driers here at the marina and we all agreed that given the day - clouds and wind and rain - laundry was about the only thing to do. We managed groceries and NAPA, too.
Luckily a man who lives here on the docks was going to the food store and just asked if we wanted to ride with him. What a gift. Yes. And he also took us to a totally different part of town to get a new fuel line tube.
The couple from Maine who now have the boat slip with the condo attached showed up today and are anchored not far from us. Sweet to chat with them on the dock.
Now a very fashionable, very late dinner.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
3/31/18 . Titusville
During past trips past the Kennedy Space Center we chose to not pay the entry fee and figure out how to get there. One hundred dollars is pretty steep for the two of us. The day was worth every penny of the admission price...$111 for 8 hours of entertainment, history, inspiration, propaganda, amazement, and plucked heart strings.
Everything was immense. Everything is clean. Everything is well exhibited. Think Epcot Center with all the big screens, people ushered into enclosed arenas, (that was a bit scary in retrospect), the screen presentation on three sides and overhead, then the forward screen opens and you are ushered (herded in a polite fashion) into the exhibit area you just heard about.
There are all these real or models of rockets. This one is, blown apart so that we can see the innards and how they fit together and what each "stage" does. The explanatory writing about what I was seeing was terrific including the little "did you know" tidbits, none of which I remember now but I do remember being really impressed with several.
I'm pretty amazed at how much I quit paying attention to the space program after the crash of the Challenger and the success of the next flight. Still remember exactly where I was hearing that news.
I think this was part of the same rocket. The parts are sooooo large. So much cable and is that copper or brass or gold, that shiny yellow metal?
I did learn that a face shield in the astronaut helmets is gold for when they face the sun when working and another is more like our sunglass shield.
I was surprised at how many astronauts have been in space for the USA. Lots and lots since I quit paying attention. A number of women now and a smaller number of people of color, but gaining.
Not sure how this part fits with its mate and is that a fuel tank. I'll need another visit to get all the parts worked out.
Rockets aside...there is the Atlantis Shuttle that has now been retired, all the shuttles are retired (or destroyed: Challenger and Columbia). These machines are tired but why have new ones not been created?
A change of direction for NASA and USA...now that the space station exists...toward more "deep space" exploration...Mars?
This craft is huge. I'd forgot that it is was attached to a LARGE rocket to get it into space.
Then it leaves its rocket behind and "flies," glides, really. It has an immense cargo bay that has taken parts that became the space station, plus food and experiments and probably toilet paper and water and maybe video games??? and satellites. That arm with Canada name on it is the "arm" that handles stuff, putting it out in space, keeping astronauts tethered when working....
My amazement continued for most of the 8 hours we were there. Only break was for beer and even that had a slim bottle that I'd not seen before. Didn't come up to "amazement" though.
I think the Atlantis info was the most unexpected. I really had checked out of space exploration by the time the shuttles were flying... And landing! Okay, let's see. They get to space on the back of a giant rocket, they glide/fly around getting tasks accomplished, then then fly back to Earth and land like a regular airplane. Then they - the crew and the aircraft - do it again!!!!
We learned that it took 12 years from concept to successful launch and return.
A favorite part for me was the simulation of taking off and separating from the rocket in the space shuttle. About 40 of us, including a timid/scared boy of abut 9) lined up on our own red dot on yellow lines outside 6 doors into the simulator theater. We set our behinds narrow seats similar to old warplane seats and buckled ourselves in. Five minutes we'd felt some "Gs", rattled around a bit, glided and were back on the ground. Better than my experience in western FL last year when we drove. Still only 5 min. I'd do that again in a minute. The timid boy survived.
Highlights and heart tugs for me: We started in an exhibit called "Heroes and Legends" that showed many different people, different ages and colors and cultures speaking about what/who is their hero. Many of the early astronauts, the names I knew, spoke and now look as old as I do. How did that happen? I loved hearing their comments and was in tears. I know I was equally effected by the music, that big orchestral, major chords stuff. The exhibit creators used music well throughout.
There was another teary event but I don't remember what just now. I think the magnitude of the dream of space travel for individuals, the hard work of mind and body discipline, the dedication to a goal, the respect for each others' skills, and camaraderie, maybe even more than the joy and satisfaction of accomplishment, plucked those strings. This may be especially true at this moment in my life when I don't feel that dream, discipline, dedication, camaraderie, personally.
The shuttle simulation. I love the physical sensation. I was disappointed that the screen in front of us didn't show what I expect the astronauts to see...blue sky? stars? Earth? horizon? Not sure what they see but we saw our host assuring us that all as well "for the moment" then there were flashing red lights and an alarm sounding. That was the Disneyland aspect, rather than the realistic, training aspect. I appreciate the necessity.
Perhaps this is one of our next generation space explorers...outer space as he already explores space. He and his family were lunch companions.
To conclude our visit we saw a 3D movie that showed Earth from space and people on/in the space station, lots of "home" movies of new people (astronauts) coming on to the space station to join or replace those who've been there 6 months, the respectful, cooperative, even loving relationships that were formed among colleagues who may never see each other again after they leave the space station, being from different countries and governments. That was another tug on my heart.
We three (Fordyce, David and self) chatted and chatted on our way back to the marina. Thank you Uber. And we were exhausted. We got to the marina and split up into our own dinghies and home to our separate boats.
I wanted some quiet time to absorb the day...my reaction to various sights, sounds, memories. Aft deck. Irish whiskey. A storm coming in from the north so it will be windy and cool tomorrow, maybe overnight. I could see rain...that fuzzy view of land contrasted with other clearly viewed land. The rain came slowly and lightly, no wind yet.
I remembered other light rains and quiet time to absorb my experience and "feelings"...sitting on my bed in first apartment in Manteo, NC, light sprinkle drifting in my window, loving the smell of wet warmth. Stacy will remember those days.
This quiet time was similar.
Loving the privilege of my life...with all its bumps and joys.
During past trips past the Kennedy Space Center we chose to not pay the entry fee and figure out how to get there. One hundred dollars is pretty steep for the two of us. The day was worth every penny of the admission price...$111 for 8 hours of entertainment, history, inspiration, propaganda, amazement, and plucked heart strings.
Everything was immense. Everything is clean. Everything is well exhibited. Think Epcot Center with all the big screens, people ushered into enclosed arenas, (that was a bit scary in retrospect), the screen presentation on three sides and overhead, then the forward screen opens and you are ushered (herded in a polite fashion) into the exhibit area you just heard about.
There are all these real or models of rockets. This one is, blown apart so that we can see the innards and how they fit together and what each "stage" does. The explanatory writing about what I was seeing was terrific including the little "did you know" tidbits, none of which I remember now but I do remember being really impressed with several.
I'm pretty amazed at how much I quit paying attention to the space program after the crash of the Challenger and the success of the next flight. Still remember exactly where I was hearing that news.
I think this was part of the same rocket. The parts are sooooo large. So much cable and is that copper or brass or gold, that shiny yellow metal?
I did learn that a face shield in the astronaut helmets is gold for when they face the sun when working and another is more like our sunglass shield.
I was surprised at how many astronauts have been in space for the USA. Lots and lots since I quit paying attention. A number of women now and a smaller number of people of color, but gaining.
Not sure how this part fits with its mate and is that a fuel tank. I'll need another visit to get all the parts worked out.
Rockets aside...there is the Atlantis Shuttle that has now been retired, all the shuttles are retired (or destroyed: Challenger and Columbia). These machines are tired but why have new ones not been created?
A change of direction for NASA and USA...now that the space station exists...toward more "deep space" exploration...Mars?
This craft is huge. I'd forgot that it is was attached to a LARGE rocket to get it into space.
Then it leaves its rocket behind and "flies," glides, really. It has an immense cargo bay that has taken parts that became the space station, plus food and experiments and probably toilet paper and water and maybe video games??? and satellites. That arm with Canada name on it is the "arm" that handles stuff, putting it out in space, keeping astronauts tethered when working....
My amazement continued for most of the 8 hours we were there. Only break was for beer and even that had a slim bottle that I'd not seen before. Didn't come up to "amazement" though.
I think the Atlantis info was the most unexpected. I really had checked out of space exploration by the time the shuttles were flying... And landing! Okay, let's see. They get to space on the back of a giant rocket, they glide/fly around getting tasks accomplished, then then fly back to Earth and land like a regular airplane. Then they - the crew and the aircraft - do it again!!!!
We learned that it took 12 years from concept to successful launch and return.
A favorite part for me was the simulation of taking off and separating from the rocket in the space shuttle. About 40 of us, including a timid/scared boy of abut 9) lined up on our own red dot on yellow lines outside 6 doors into the simulator theater. We set our behinds narrow seats similar to old warplane seats and buckled ourselves in. Five minutes we'd felt some "Gs", rattled around a bit, glided and were back on the ground. Better than my experience in western FL last year when we drove. Still only 5 min. I'd do that again in a minute. The timid boy survived.
Highlights and heart tugs for me: We started in an exhibit called "Heroes and Legends" that showed many different people, different ages and colors and cultures speaking about what/who is their hero. Many of the early astronauts, the names I knew, spoke and now look as old as I do. How did that happen? I loved hearing their comments and was in tears. I know I was equally effected by the music, that big orchestral, major chords stuff. The exhibit creators used music well throughout.
There was another teary event but I don't remember what just now. I think the magnitude of the dream of space travel for individuals, the hard work of mind and body discipline, the dedication to a goal, the respect for each others' skills, and camaraderie, maybe even more than the joy and satisfaction of accomplishment, plucked those strings. This may be especially true at this moment in my life when I don't feel that dream, discipline, dedication, camaraderie, personally.
The shuttle simulation. I love the physical sensation. I was disappointed that the screen in front of us didn't show what I expect the astronauts to see...blue sky? stars? Earth? horizon? Not sure what they see but we saw our host assuring us that all as well "for the moment" then there were flashing red lights and an alarm sounding. That was the Disneyland aspect, rather than the realistic, training aspect. I appreciate the necessity.
Perhaps this is one of our next generation space explorers...outer space as he already explores space. He and his family were lunch companions.
To conclude our visit we saw a 3D movie that showed Earth from space and people on/in the space station, lots of "home" movies of new people (astronauts) coming on to the space station to join or replace those who've been there 6 months, the respectful, cooperative, even loving relationships that were formed among colleagues who may never see each other again after they leave the space station, being from different countries and governments. That was another tug on my heart.
We three (Fordyce, David and self) chatted and chatted on our way back to the marina. Thank you Uber. And we were exhausted. We got to the marina and split up into our own dinghies and home to our separate boats.
I wanted some quiet time to absorb the day...my reaction to various sights, sounds, memories. Aft deck. Irish whiskey. A storm coming in from the north so it will be windy and cool tomorrow, maybe overnight. I could see rain...that fuzzy view of land contrasted with other clearly viewed land. The rain came slowly and lightly, no wind yet.
I remembered other light rains and quiet time to absorb my experience and "feelings"...sitting on my bed in first apartment in Manteo, NC, light sprinkle drifting in my window, loving the smell of wet warmth. Stacy will remember those days.
This quiet time was similar.
Loving the privilege of my life...with all its bumps and joys.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
my hero...again
3/29/18 Titusville, FL
...and this time it wasn't even a boat issue. Only my own issue. Leaning over to put groceries in the dinghy my glasses tumbled into the water at the dock. Pooperhead! The glasses that allow me to see charts and small type on my phone, etc, the rather expensive trifocal ones were hooked in the front of my shirt. Now if I had a cleavage and if the cleavage I don't have was a little higher from my waist, holding my glasses there would be no problem. But they went into the water. Not even a splash. Just a quick slide into invisibility.
These waters, not very deep, maybe 6', max are not, however, the clear "see the bottom in 12' of water" that we had in West Palm Beach...just a soupy, lentil brown color. David went to the office and was directed to the fuel dock to get a fish net. I dragged the net around the area where my glasses had fallen with no luck. David took over and went a little farther away from the midsection of the dinghy. He brought up an oyster shell. More blind searching...and up came my glasses in the net. Hurrah! Hero, mine!!!
Way more successful fishing with the net than just the seaweed he caught with his fishing rod. I have other glasses on board but these are the most recent prescription so I'm glad to have them back.
Other than that drama it was a pretty low key day.
Sunrise was what you see. Beautious! I think that spot is about where the rocket launch will take place on Monday if all goes as planned.
We did that not so onerous task of cleaning the composting toilet this morning but mostly were having a leisurely morning.
I had a great catch-up conversation with friend, Diana, me on the aft deck, she in her apt in NYC.
We left the boat around noon to do some errands including the grocery shopping, NAPA shopping for boat needs and a little tour around downtown Titusville. Some old architecture, a closed bank with a beautiful sweeping staircase to 2nd floor (where the important banking was, no doubt, done), an impressive chandelier, and two equally impressive vault doors. Couldn't decide if the town is on the upswing or downslide. A fun bakery/coffee shop and great open spaces with view of river but many closed storefronts, too.
We spent about an hour in the Titusville History Museum which was full of stuff from military machetes to dolls and doll clothes from the 1800s. Lots and lots of old postcards picturing Main Street and Washington Street during horse/buggy and early electric car days. Some grand houses and hotels. Hotels gone but some of the houses, apparently, remain and have been restored.
Fun day. And this evening the wind is really breezing up with small whitecap waves and a bit of rocking. Glad we're on a mooring rather than anchor.
...and this time it wasn't even a boat issue. Only my own issue. Leaning over to put groceries in the dinghy my glasses tumbled into the water at the dock. Pooperhead! The glasses that allow me to see charts and small type on my phone, etc, the rather expensive trifocal ones were hooked in the front of my shirt. Now if I had a cleavage and if the cleavage I don't have was a little higher from my waist, holding my glasses there would be no problem. But they went into the water. Not even a splash. Just a quick slide into invisibility.
These waters, not very deep, maybe 6', max are not, however, the clear "see the bottom in 12' of water" that we had in West Palm Beach...just a soupy, lentil brown color. David went to the office and was directed to the fuel dock to get a fish net. I dragged the net around the area where my glasses had fallen with no luck. David took over and went a little farther away from the midsection of the dinghy. He brought up an oyster shell. More blind searching...and up came my glasses in the net. Hurrah! Hero, mine!!!
Way more successful fishing with the net than just the seaweed he caught with his fishing rod. I have other glasses on board but these are the most recent prescription so I'm glad to have them back.
Other than that drama it was a pretty low key day.
Sunrise was what you see. Beautious! I think that spot is about where the rocket launch will take place on Monday if all goes as planned.
We did that not so onerous task of cleaning the composting toilet this morning but mostly were having a leisurely morning.
I had a great catch-up conversation with friend, Diana, me on the aft deck, she in her apt in NYC.
We left the boat around noon to do some errands including the grocery shopping, NAPA shopping for boat needs and a little tour around downtown Titusville. Some old architecture, a closed bank with a beautiful sweeping staircase to 2nd floor (where the important banking was, no doubt, done), an impressive chandelier, and two equally impressive vault doors. Couldn't decide if the town is on the upswing or downslide. A fun bakery/coffee shop and great open spaces with view of river but many closed storefronts, too.
We spent about an hour in the Titusville History Museum which was full of stuff from military machetes to dolls and doll clothes from the 1800s. Lots and lots of old postcards picturing Main Street and Washington Street during horse/buggy and early electric car days. Some grand houses and hotels. Hotels gone but some of the houses, apparently, remain and have been restored.
Fun day. And this evening the wind is really breezing up with small whitecap waves and a bit of rocking. Glad we're on a mooring rather than anchor.
And the moon, nearly full, is brilliant.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Melbourne, FL on the hook
Beautiful, windy morning. Yesterday we put a sail out and gained about 3/10 of a knot/hr. Winds up to 19 knots. Ooooh. I was at the helm. Ooooohhhhhh.
Clearly we're headed north and home. So regular thoughts about house, garden, the amount of work they take, beloved family and neighbors, need (or not) to plan or at least have some guidelines for the next 5-10 years of living in the world. Downsizing...not from the boat size but maybe from the 2-story house size.
I've read all those Next Avenue posts about how your children don't want your stuff. No children but I expect no one close to me wants my stuff either, especially the stuff that has only sentimental value to me...the wedding pot David and I bought in New Mexico or AZ, the Harlequin pot that was my mother's and maybe my grandmother's, things that came from my parents' collection just because it was important to them. Would my cousins want any of this stuff? Maybe Patsy or Dale or Kay's children? Hard to know. Anyway I was thinking about having an open house for Shannon, Maggie and Sharyl to offer them some things...whatever they might want now or to put their name on if I wasn't quite ready yet to part with their choices. Then, open house for whomever...maybe close friends first...to whittle down. All this whittling in preparation for smaller house, maybe new place.
No alarm. This is perennial exercise for me. But brought on at this time, maybe, from meeting Doug and Diane, originally from mid-Maine who "bought a boat slip and a condo came with it," they said. Little Washington, NC, has been their home base for the past two years. We met in Vero Beach this past week. They've just returned from the Bahamas. Hmmmm.
Two dreams last night involving my mother - In one I was to pick up my parents at the airport. I was leaving too late to be on time, trying to straighten my house and yard before they arrived...open the pet door so cat could get in but worried that other animals could get in...kitty went in so I closed the cat door...the yard was dry, unattractive...gotta go as Dad will be ,or pretend to be, annoyed at my lateness. (I just thought of "pretend" which was probably true more frequently than he let on as he was uncomfortable expressing love and delight at seeing me. And I know he loved me deeply.)
Dream #2 - I'd come into my mother's house (?) (my childhood house? sort of) and all the furniture in the kitchen had been pushed against one wall to accommodate deep cleaning. I checked to see if other rooms were similarly "ready." Maybe I could start cleaning in the kitchen but didn't know what Mother had planned since the counter surfaces were full of kitchen stuff. Should I clean the cabinet interiors or....I didn't want to upset her plan so...
I woke up before having to start working.
No idea what either of those dreams means but glad to have my parents visit in my subconscious. They are always welcome.
Here I sit on the aft deck with coffee. 8:20 a.m and two jet skis are zipping past about a quarter mile away, salt water spray surrounding them in their speed. Our dinghy laps and smacks the water behind, actually in front of me. Time for me to check the weather for today and the rest of the week, into possible rocket launch on Monday. Amazingly, Easter is only four days away. Hmmm.
And then at 9:20 the boat engine started....and quit. David started it again. It quit. Oh, merde. Now what? Open up the barn doors, take the engine insulation box apart, get the flashlight and paper towel, look carefully. Nothing obvious. A small leak but "the gas bulb doesn't feel right," he said. Apparently it is a Sheldon trick but you have to replace the bulb regularly as the diesel fuel deteriorates the rubber. "Do we have a spare?" I asked. Of course. My captain husband was a Boy Scout and tends to be prepared. Turned out to be a split hose that a previous mechanic had cranked the hose clamp too tight. Aaaaarrgh. Another little slight in the work of the Zimmerman boatyard. Those slights have added up to a LOT of money and lots of lost time and inconvenience and potential danger. Once again, thanking my sailing and mechanical angels.
We finally left our anchorage around 11:00 a.m. and had an easy run, with sail (!), to Titusville, just across the Indian River from NASA and Kennedy Space Center. We'll do our research tomorrow, along with shopping errands...we need cereal! Friday we'll visit the space center, spend the money and do it as there is little chance that we'll have this easy an opportunity in the future.
Fordyce came over for drinks and snacks and conversation. We had dinner, a cooperative effot between David and self.
Now, Spanish study.
Beautiful, windy morning. Yesterday we put a sail out and gained about 3/10 of a knot/hr. Winds up to 19 knots. Ooooh. I was at the helm. Ooooohhhhhh.
Clearly we're headed north and home. So regular thoughts about house, garden, the amount of work they take, beloved family and neighbors, need (or not) to plan or at least have some guidelines for the next 5-10 years of living in the world. Downsizing...not from the boat size but maybe from the 2-story house size.
I've read all those Next Avenue posts about how your children don't want your stuff. No children but I expect no one close to me wants my stuff either, especially the stuff that has only sentimental value to me...the wedding pot David and I bought in New Mexico or AZ, the Harlequin pot that was my mother's and maybe my grandmother's, things that came from my parents' collection just because it was important to them. Would my cousins want any of this stuff? Maybe Patsy or Dale or Kay's children? Hard to know. Anyway I was thinking about having an open house for Shannon, Maggie and Sharyl to offer them some things...whatever they might want now or to put their name on if I wasn't quite ready yet to part with their choices. Then, open house for whomever...maybe close friends first...to whittle down. All this whittling in preparation for smaller house, maybe new place.
No alarm. This is perennial exercise for me. But brought on at this time, maybe, from meeting Doug and Diane, originally from mid-Maine who "bought a boat slip and a condo came with it," they said. Little Washington, NC, has been their home base for the past two years. We met in Vero Beach this past week. They've just returned from the Bahamas. Hmmmm.
Two dreams last night involving my mother - In one I was to pick up my parents at the airport. I was leaving too late to be on time, trying to straighten my house and yard before they arrived...open the pet door so cat could get in but worried that other animals could get in...kitty went in so I closed the cat door...the yard was dry, unattractive...gotta go as Dad will be ,or pretend to be, annoyed at my lateness. (I just thought of "pretend" which was probably true more frequently than he let on as he was uncomfortable expressing love and delight at seeing me. And I know he loved me deeply.)
Dream #2 - I'd come into my mother's house (?) (my childhood house? sort of) and all the furniture in the kitchen had been pushed against one wall to accommodate deep cleaning. I checked to see if other rooms were similarly "ready." Maybe I could start cleaning in the kitchen but didn't know what Mother had planned since the counter surfaces were full of kitchen stuff. Should I clean the cabinet interiors or....I didn't want to upset her plan so...
I woke up before having to start working.
No idea what either of those dreams means but glad to have my parents visit in my subconscious. They are always welcome.
Here I sit on the aft deck with coffee. 8:20 a.m and two jet skis are zipping past about a quarter mile away, salt water spray surrounding them in their speed. Our dinghy laps and smacks the water behind, actually in front of me. Time for me to check the weather for today and the rest of the week, into possible rocket launch on Monday. Amazingly, Easter is only four days away. Hmmm.
And then at 9:20 the boat engine started....and quit. David started it again. It quit. Oh, merde. Now what? Open up the barn doors, take the engine insulation box apart, get the flashlight and paper towel, look carefully. Nothing obvious. A small leak but "the gas bulb doesn't feel right," he said. Apparently it is a Sheldon trick but you have to replace the bulb regularly as the diesel fuel deteriorates the rubber. "Do we have a spare?" I asked. Of course. My captain husband was a Boy Scout and tends to be prepared. Turned out to be a split hose that a previous mechanic had cranked the hose clamp too tight. Aaaaarrgh. Another little slight in the work of the Zimmerman boatyard. Those slights have added up to a LOT of money and lots of lost time and inconvenience and potential danger. Once again, thanking my sailing and mechanical angels.
We finally left our anchorage around 11:00 a.m. and had an easy run, with sail (!), to Titusville, just across the Indian River from NASA and Kennedy Space Center. We'll do our research tomorrow, along with shopping errands...we need cereal! Friday we'll visit the space center, spend the money and do it as there is little chance that we'll have this easy an opportunity in the future.
Fordyce came over for drinks and snacks and conversation. We had dinner, a cooperative effot between David and self.
Now, Spanish study.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
cosmic advice
3/27/18 leaving Vero Beach
From MercAlert: Mercury went retrograde 3/22 and will not go direct until 4/15 (tax day!). It entered and will exit retrograde period in Aries. "So consult your oracles, slow the f*ck down, and keep breathing."
From MercAlert: Mercury went retrograde 3/22 and will not go direct until 4/15 (tax day!). It entered and will exit retrograde period in Aries. "So consult your oracles, slow the f*ck down, and keep breathing."
Easy morning yesterday (3/26), dinghyed up the creek but with our paddles and landed at a small city park that, if you crossed the A1A highway, brought you to a larger park that was on the Atlantic ocean. A beach. WhooHoooo! Waves crashed. The water color in layers of green, aqua, blue and aquamarine were stunning. Joy! But David was hungry. Surprise. He gets hungry and recognizes it and shares the info, so much more often than I. I just get pissy. No prelude. No explanation. No warning.
So the little beach grill - sandwiches and ice cream - with outdoor tables, to go, or eat inside. I had a kraut hotdog with fries (the kraut was grilled!), David a fish basket. Delicious. To the beach. But wait. It looks like rain. But we'll be wet anyway. To the beach. Wadding first, to test the waters, so to speak. Chilly. Windy. Ohhh, Okay. No swimming.
No, to the beach! Gotta do it. So I stripped to bathing suit and in I went. David added clothes and guarded mine. The waves were strong, as was the undertow. I got wet up to my earlobes, knocked down once, ran away from a wave that I thought might be a good body surfing wave, and was ready to come ashore. It was a pretty scary ocean...though delicious.
Dinghyed back to Grace and noticed oil dripping from the bilge discharge hole. Oil?!?! That's not supposed to even be IN the bilge, never mind coming out in the discharge. We were going to check the oil in preparation for leaving today so after a lovely dinner out ($5 hamburger special on Monday night at Mr. Manatee, only a dinghy ride across the ICW and under the bridge) we checked the oil. OMG, the bilge was swimming in oil! Dum Di Dum Dum!
We searched with flashlights, headlamps, mirrors for an active oil drip for about 45 minutes. Nothing active located. David said that tomorrow (today) we'd clean and put diapers down. I said lets do the cleaning tonight and diaper the bilge tomorrow. So we swabbed the bilge for about 1.5 hours. Finally closed the engine room up and went to bed around 11 PM.
I did a little praying to my sailing uncles and my mechanic dad. This morning we put the diapers down, took a deep breathe and started the engine, flash lights at the ready.
I spotted a drip at the oil filter. Engine off! Yes! a drip of fresh oil. Yes, more drips of fresh oil. Yes, the problem is at the oil filter. David discovered that the filter was (newly) touching a water pipe and the vibration had, apparently, weakened the seam in the oil filter and it was leaking.
He, Captain David, fixed it!!! It was certainly not painless but a much simpler fix that it might have been.
We reconstructed our engine compartment and our living space. David went to take a shower, find my bathing suit (I'd left it in the shower room yesterday), and dump the garbage while I readied the boat for leaving
So we're underway again. Heading toward Cape Kennedy for the launch...to watch a space launch. It will take us a couple days to get there but we're on our way again. Fordyce behind us. Buddying.
Both David, if I can speak for him, and I are tired of the engine stresses. Grace, however, has a better and better power train as a result of all the fixin's. But enough now. I'd like to get back to vacation mode.
Here we are rafted up with our two mates in Vero Beach. Grace on the left, Sea Dyce in the center, and a boat from Canada. In our case Canada and Seadyce were tied to the mooring ball and Grace was tied to Seadyce.
At each turn of the tide we all did a beautiful dance together...moving in the easiest ensemble movement, changing directions as fenders complained lightly. It was charming (and amazing given al the weight) how we moved together...just like NYC ballet with the ensemble doing exactly the same thing/same/time/same leg height, etc. And, all the other boats in the harbor were doing exactly the same thing.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Vero Beach, FL
Clean up the boat! Deep cleaning....sort of...necessary after being such slouches for the past couple of weeks...all the cat hair and errant litter and cat grass dirt from the two crossing attempts and general laziness about beauty and order, never mind dust and dirt and general wear and tear. Cleaning day before we left Stuart. Good thing nobody wanted to see the inside of our boat while we were there. We wouldn't have been allowed back.
So I did the "deep cleaning" of sweeping and damp dusting the floors, washing dishes, re-stacking the refrigerator while David checked the engine and tidied up the aft deck and got the mooring lines down to one. Actually, I helped with that because one line had become twisted and I'm really good with a boat hook. We stopped at the fuel dock to take on water and retrieve his bicycle and we were off at exactly 11:59!
Holy cow! Travel by boat is so slow. Kathryn and Lew drove us about 20 minutes to Jensen Beach for lunch on Thursday. Today it took us two hours to get to the same place, parallel to Mary's Gourmet Kitchen, by water. David got us down the river and back into the ICW at St. Lucie Inlet (I think). Then I took the helm so he could "do the bungs." Bungs cover the screws that are set maybe 1/4" deep in the wood. Who wants to see a stainless steel screw in the beautiful teak wall? Or trim piece? There are lots and lots and lots of screws in Grace.
So I had the helm for about four hours of easy motoring...minus the lumps of high speed power boats "waking" us. There were the dolphins, the pelicans, the osprey and an occasional great blue heron...the regulars. We passed some grand houses. I read a bit about Hutchinson Island which has a huge power plant, just to the right of the power line holder pictured.
With the autopilot on there wasn't much to do...punch a button to change course a degree or two in order to avoid another boat or stay in deep enough water. But there was enough deep water and boats were few except near city crossroads (water intersections?) or inlets. Finally, as we neared Vero Beach, I was clearly, though slowly, gaining on a sailing vessel. So I got to use the radio! Excitement! Hailed the vessel, "the sail boat heading north toward the 17th St Vero Beach bridge, this is Grace coming up on your stern." "Hello Grace, channel 17?" " Grace on 17. I'd like to follow you through the bridge then pass on your port side, Captain." " Roger that. Standing by on 17." Whoot! Did it. My big moment.
So David did bungs...those five little circles...not yet finished but a great start to these and to lots more in the head. The glue has to dry in all of them then the part standing proud has to be eliminated...cut their little heads off...sanded and stained. Tedious. He took a nap. Well deserved.
After the 17th St Vero Beach bridge David set the fenders and lines for rafting up with our buddy, Fordyce, who is rafted up with another boat. They were the first boats immediately after
turning into the marina creek. I didn't want to bring the boat beside Sea Dyce to do the rafting so David and I played "who has to pee most" game. He went first so he would be at the helm for rafting up. Perfect approach and "landing." Fordyce was on his deck to accept our lines. His fenders were already out...eh, deployed...or the non-military term...hanging around.
We had a lovely reunion with Dark & Stormys, our ingredients on our aft deck but with his ice cubes. Our refrigerator does 6 tiny ice cubes if we're lucky. His is more giving. We traded stories of our adventures since parting in our first effort and his successful crossing to the Bahamas. Great sharing.
Dinner here for David, Amelia and self. And soon to bed. Maybe a little listening to Spanish as I'm still trying...nope still learning, listening and occasionally speaking.
Clean up the boat! Deep cleaning....sort of...necessary after being such slouches for the past couple of weeks...all the cat hair and errant litter and cat grass dirt from the two crossing attempts and general laziness about beauty and order, never mind dust and dirt and general wear and tear. Cleaning day before we left Stuart. Good thing nobody wanted to see the inside of our boat while we were there. We wouldn't have been allowed back.
So I did the "deep cleaning" of sweeping and damp dusting the floors, washing dishes, re-stacking the refrigerator while David checked the engine and tidied up the aft deck and got the mooring lines down to one. Actually, I helped with that because one line had become twisted and I'm really good with a boat hook. We stopped at the fuel dock to take on water and retrieve his bicycle and we were off at exactly 11:59!
Holy cow! Travel by boat is so slow. Kathryn and Lew drove us about 20 minutes to Jensen Beach for lunch on Thursday. Today it took us two hours to get to the same place, parallel to Mary's Gourmet Kitchen, by water. David got us down the river and back into the ICW at St. Lucie Inlet (I think). Then I took the helm so he could "do the bungs." Bungs cover the screws that are set maybe 1/4" deep in the wood. Who wants to see a stainless steel screw in the beautiful teak wall? Or trim piece? There are lots and lots and lots of screws in Grace.
So I had the helm for about four hours of easy motoring...minus the lumps of high speed power boats "waking" us. There were the dolphins, the pelicans, the osprey and an occasional great blue heron...the regulars. We passed some grand houses. I read a bit about Hutchinson Island which has a huge power plant, just to the right of the power line holder pictured.
With the autopilot on there wasn't much to do...punch a button to change course a degree or two in order to avoid another boat or stay in deep enough water. But there was enough deep water and boats were few except near city crossroads (water intersections?) or inlets. Finally, as we neared Vero Beach, I was clearly, though slowly, gaining on a sailing vessel. So I got to use the radio! Excitement! Hailed the vessel, "the sail boat heading north toward the 17th St Vero Beach bridge, this is Grace coming up on your stern." "Hello Grace, channel 17?" " Grace on 17. I'd like to follow you through the bridge then pass on your port side, Captain." " Roger that. Standing by on 17." Whoot! Did it. My big moment.
So David did bungs...those five little circles...not yet finished but a great start to these and to lots more in the head. The glue has to dry in all of them then the part standing proud has to be eliminated...cut their little heads off...sanded and stained. Tedious. He took a nap. Well deserved.
After the 17th St Vero Beach bridge David set the fenders and lines for rafting up with our buddy, Fordyce, who is rafted up with another boat. They were the first boats immediately after
turning into the marina creek. I didn't want to bring the boat beside Sea Dyce to do the rafting so David and I played "who has to pee most" game. He went first so he would be at the helm for rafting up. Perfect approach and "landing." Fordyce was on his deck to accept our lines. His fenders were already out...eh, deployed...or the non-military term...hanging around.
We had a lovely reunion with Dark & Stormys, our ingredients on our aft deck but with his ice cubes. Our refrigerator does 6 tiny ice cubes if we're lucky. His is more giving. We traded stories of our adventures since parting in our first effort and his successful crossing to the Bahamas. Great sharing.
Dinner here for David, Amelia and self. And soon to bed. Maybe a little listening to Spanish as I'm still trying...nope still learning, listening and occasionally speaking.
birds, plants, protests
Stuart, FL . 3/24/18
A totally delicious day...weather-wise and activity-wise. We were up relatively early...for vacationers...and off the boat by 9:15. I asked directions to Memorial Park and a woman said "we're walking there. Want to walk with us?" Great. Leaders. A small group from the marina were off to the March For Our Lives activities here in Stuart.
It was a small crowd, many in our age group, when we arrived but the crowd swelled at least quadrupling in size as the hour of speeches went on. More young people arrived and the majority of the speakers were youth with a few older adults who were running for office. Rep. Brian Mast made an unfortunate speech. He was in a loosing situation and I admired his gumption for even showing up. He has an "A+" rating from the NRA.
How can I admire someone who votes against everything I believe in...Education, EPA, gun buying control?
I appreciate that he served my country in the armed forces and am sorry for the sacrifice of his lower limbs (which he exhibited in his formal shorts). But he is in a position to support reasonable, responsible gun legislation and doesn't.
It still amazes me that the NRA has been able to stop ALL research into the causes of gun violence...and the scientific opportunities to
reduce it. Center for Disease Control has no power...yet....if this regard. "Yet" being until those in the pockets of NRA are out of Congress.
My favorite.
Think she might be an art teacher/artist.
Kathryn and Lew picked us up and took us on another adventure to a wildlife rescue center. It was having an open house and a hawk was to be released back into the wild.
I'd never seen this bird before. I thought the handler said it was a Caricari but I can't find it in my bird book or on Google. A very handsome creature. The top of its head is black..not that box behind it.
There were several hawks, three owls. I think David has a good photo but he hasn't sent it along to me, lots of pelicans, a couple Bald Eagles, several snakes. Snakes? Who brings injured snakes in and how are they rehabilitated?
Two parrots like this one. The volunteer said someone just dropped them off. They weren't injured. Someone else commented that they live longer than humans and perhaps their owner had died or become unable to care for them. Both were so beautifully colorful.
Then we were off on another adventure, a drive to see a house lot they'd bought years and years ago and would probably never build on. We reminded them of the lot we'd inherited from my grandmother, through my parents...that we'd never build on and that we continue to pay taxes on for some stupid reason...rather than sell it at a loss...loss of all the taxes we've already paid. Oh, for dumb!!!
On our drive through the slowly developing development Lew pointed out Sandhill Cranes...a pair with two chicks.
What a treat.
What a total delight to spend time with Kathryn and Lew...time I've never spent with my cousin as we were enough different in age...until we reached our 50s+ and 60s+ and lived far enough apart opportunity did not exist. I'm grateful to have this time with her/them and so appreciative of their love, time and willingness to show us their community and sights.
After the cranes Lew wanted to go to a nursery to check on the construction of a growing pot he'd made from a 5 gallon bucket. Apparently, an avid gardener had made these popular and Lew wanted to buy plants (tomatoes and peppers) so he could grow.
A huge place with all sorts of plants. This beauty, a pitcher plant of some sort on a vine was in the plant trash heap. Gorgeous.
We stopped at the food store where we stocked up on vegetables for the next leg of our sailing journey. Said goodby to Kathryn and Lew with lots of hugs and thanks. Back on Grace we talked about what needed to be done before leaving tomorrow. Not very much as we're getting lax in our needs. Always attentive to safety but definitely in vacation mode in terms of improvements and beauty and order.
We are, I am, so very blessed and so very grateful
A totally delicious day...weather-wise and activity-wise. We were up relatively early...for vacationers...and off the boat by 9:15. I asked directions to Memorial Park and a woman said "we're walking there. Want to walk with us?" Great. Leaders. A small group from the marina were off to the March For Our Lives activities here in Stuart.

How can I admire someone who votes against everything I believe in...Education, EPA, gun buying control?
I appreciate that he served my country in the armed forces and am sorry for the sacrifice of his lower limbs (which he exhibited in his formal shorts). But he is in a position to support reasonable, responsible gun legislation and doesn't.
It still amazes me that the NRA has been able to stop ALL research into the causes of gun violence...and the scientific opportunities to
reduce it. Center for Disease Control has no power...yet....if this regard. "Yet" being until those in the pockets of NRA are out of Congress.
My favorite.
Think she might be an art teacher/artist.
Kathryn and Lew picked us up and took us on another adventure to a wildlife rescue center. It was having an open house and a hawk was to be released back into the wild.
I'd never seen this bird before. I thought the handler said it was a Caricari but I can't find it in my bird book or on Google. A very handsome creature. The top of its head is black..not that box behind it.
There were several hawks, three owls. I think David has a good photo but he hasn't sent it along to me, lots of pelicans, a couple Bald Eagles, several snakes. Snakes? Who brings injured snakes in and how are they rehabilitated?
Two parrots like this one. The volunteer said someone just dropped them off. They weren't injured. Someone else commented that they live longer than humans and perhaps their owner had died or become unable to care for them. Both were so beautifully colorful.
Then we were off on another adventure, a drive to see a house lot they'd bought years and years ago and would probably never build on. We reminded them of the lot we'd inherited from my grandmother, through my parents...that we'd never build on and that we continue to pay taxes on for some stupid reason...rather than sell it at a loss...loss of all the taxes we've already paid. Oh, for dumb!!!
On our drive through the slowly developing development Lew pointed out Sandhill Cranes...a pair with two chicks.
What a treat.
What a total delight to spend time with Kathryn and Lew...time I've never spent with my cousin as we were enough different in age...until we reached our 50s+ and 60s+ and lived far enough apart opportunity did not exist. I'm grateful to have this time with her/them and so appreciative of their love, time and willingness to show us their community and sights.
After the cranes Lew wanted to go to a nursery to check on the construction of a growing pot he'd made from a 5 gallon bucket. Apparently, an avid gardener had made these popular and Lew wanted to buy plants (tomatoes and peppers) so he could grow.
A huge place with all sorts of plants. This beauty, a pitcher plant of some sort on a vine was in the plant trash heap. Gorgeous.
We stopped at the food store where we stocked up on vegetables for the next leg of our sailing journey. Said goodby to Kathryn and Lew with lots of hugs and thanks. Back on Grace we talked about what needed to be done before leaving tomorrow. Not very much as we're getting lax in our needs. Always attentive to safety but definitely in vacation mode in terms of improvements and beauty and order.
We are, I am, so very blessed and so very grateful
Friday, March 23, 2018
Stuart, FL
Total vacation mode. This was sunset last night, 3/22/18.
Cousin Kathryn and Lew scooped us up and took us on an adventure...a drive to Jensen Beach...a mini road trip across the Roosevelt Bridge and along some roads and twists and turns. Lots of conversation and all the time looking for an interesting place to have breakfast or lunch. What great cousins and playmates. They were so kind to take us away from where we could get on our own.
We found Maria's Gourmet Kitchen and had wonderful food...a artichoke sandwich, a stuffed french toast and a couple other delicious meals. Perfect as was the day and the company. It's fun getting to know Kathryn and Lew better. We've never had opportunity to really play together, since really early childhood. I was realizing that the photo of me, Cheryl and Kathryn at the St. Augustine fort was when Kathryn was about 2 years old. I think they moved away from Winston-Salem not too long after that. Kathryn talks about growing up in Florida at Lighthouse Point. I recognize the house when she showed me a photo on her phone. Sigh.
We've lived a long time. I'm/we're blessed. More so as we grow closer with age. Really blessed.
Hard to remember exactly what David and I did after being dropped off. I picked up two books and finished one today...taking most of the day to read, sometimes on the aft deck and sometimes in bed while David napped. Such luxury.
It's a bit chilly out so long pants and sweat shirt. David and I took the shuttle to "shop" today. David also took his bike so he could take his time and bike back, stopping at other places along the way. He found, and bought, a machete so he can attack coconuts as the pros do.
I found an inexpensive place for a hair cut which I desperately wanted/needed. Letting my locks grow out is fine but without shaping is really ugly. Even the shuttle driver appreciated my new do. As do I!
So vacation. I came back to the boat and did a few small things...banking, bills before indulging in romance novel, At the Water's Edge by the woman who wrote Water for Elephants. Good but pretty light.
We'll join the March for Our Lives here in Stuart tomorrow and then go with Kathryn and Lew to a wildlife refuge center in the afternoon.
Planning Sunday to depart for Cape Kennedy, a 2-4 day trip depending upon how many times we want to stop. We want to be there for the rocket launch on April 2. And I found out today that April 1 is Easter. Just not paying attention to calendars this week.
This is the lighthouse at Jupiter, FL, Kathryn's mom's favorite. Kathryn took an amazing photo of it with the light on and a beam of light traveling straight up into the atmosphere. Hello, Betty! And I'm remembering Marcy Plavin who's joining angel day was yesterday a year ago.
Yes, we have lived many years and are embracing many experiences, humans and other life forms. So many opportunities to love! And to be loved. Blessings abound.
Oh, and this title, Americanah, is the other book I just finished by Ms Adichi. Thanks to Alison and Liz for introducing me to this author.
Total vacation mode. This was sunset last night, 3/22/18.
Cousin Kathryn and Lew scooped us up and took us on an adventure...a drive to Jensen Beach...a mini road trip across the Roosevelt Bridge and along some roads and twists and turns. Lots of conversation and all the time looking for an interesting place to have breakfast or lunch. What great cousins and playmates. They were so kind to take us away from where we could get on our own.
We found Maria's Gourmet Kitchen and had wonderful food...a artichoke sandwich, a stuffed french toast and a couple other delicious meals. Perfect as was the day and the company. It's fun getting to know Kathryn and Lew better. We've never had opportunity to really play together, since really early childhood. I was realizing that the photo of me, Cheryl and Kathryn at the St. Augustine fort was when Kathryn was about 2 years old. I think they moved away from Winston-Salem not too long after that. Kathryn talks about growing up in Florida at Lighthouse Point. I recognize the house when she showed me a photo on her phone. Sigh.
We've lived a long time. I'm/we're blessed. More so as we grow closer with age. Really blessed.
Hard to remember exactly what David and I did after being dropped off. I picked up two books and finished one today...taking most of the day to read, sometimes on the aft deck and sometimes in bed while David napped. Such luxury.
It's a bit chilly out so long pants and sweat shirt. David and I took the shuttle to "shop" today. David also took his bike so he could take his time and bike back, stopping at other places along the way. He found, and bought, a machete so he can attack coconuts as the pros do.
I found an inexpensive place for a hair cut which I desperately wanted/needed. Letting my locks grow out is fine but without shaping is really ugly. Even the shuttle driver appreciated my new do. As do I!
So vacation. I came back to the boat and did a few small things...banking, bills before indulging in romance novel, At the Water's Edge by the woman who wrote Water for Elephants. Good but pretty light.
We'll join the March for Our Lives here in Stuart tomorrow and then go with Kathryn and Lew to a wildlife refuge center in the afternoon.
Planning Sunday to depart for Cape Kennedy, a 2-4 day trip depending upon how many times we want to stop. We want to be there for the rocket launch on April 2. And I found out today that April 1 is Easter. Just not paying attention to calendars this week.
This is the lighthouse at Jupiter, FL, Kathryn's mom's favorite. Kathryn took an amazing photo of it with the light on and a beam of light traveling straight up into the atmosphere. Hello, Betty! And I'm remembering Marcy Plavin who's joining angel day was yesterday a year ago.
Yes, we have lived many years and are embracing many experiences, humans and other life forms. So many opportunities to love! And to be loved. Blessings abound.
Oh, and this title, Americanah, is the other book I just finished by Ms Adichi. Thanks to Alison and Liz for introducing me to this author.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
shower, thunderstorm
Stuart, FL . Sunset Bay Marina
Yesterday we pretty much forgot it was Spring Equinox...really it feels like summer here. Sorry my northern friends and family who are tired of winter but it is true. And, finally, we're on the vacation that sis-in-law keeps accusing us of...no goals, no agenda, no deadlines. Hmmmm, vacation. And since we've been here before for a couple of weeks there's not a great deal that we "just have to see or do." So we can be lazy.
Well we did get hot showers, both of us. Much needed. My growing longer hair was straw-like from ocean swim at Peck Lake even though I'd washed off in fresh water from our sun-shower on the forward deck. Sticky and a little matted feeling. So showers. Long showers...except not too long because we'd forgot that the showers are closed at 11:00 for cleaning. Twenty minutes was enough. My skin is really dry from the sun and wind. Sun lotion each day and body lotion most days, as well. Perhaps age also has something to do with the dryness.
David had a successful dentist appointment. Cousin Kathryn's husband, Lew, made an appointment with his dentist. A small filling to get David through the next couple of months and expect a crown, not the royalty kind, when he gets back to his own dentist. Insurance will pay for most of this visit.
I had the pleasure of doing laundry while David was at the dentist. Great laundry here at the marina. While clothes were washing, then drying, I read and chatted with the "regulars," those folks who've been coming here for 3-5 years. They are a generous group who've become friends over several years of showing up here at the same time. I was invited into the conversation and introduced all around by Olivia. Can't remember, if I ever found out, where folks are from but north...Michigan and Wisconsin?
Lots of wind. I worried while David was away that our wind scoop and my mosquito net/hatch cover would be shredded or blown away. The wind was that fierce. David returned and we made a dash for Grace in our dinghy. Didn't get as wet as I expected. Wind scoop and hatch cover were fine. We brought a bunch of stuff in from the deck and buttoned up for thunderstorm and water spout warnings. For about 2 hours we rocked and rolled and swung around. We could have read by lightning light but it wasn't steady enough. I learned as a kid to not stand in open doorways or near windows. Eh, we have a pilot house but I did ask David to move away from the open door. He says that warning is a wives' tale but I'm sticking with it. We moved down to the galley after a while. By bedtime the storm had passed. There were some brilliant moments of bolts of lightning but mostly the storm went around, rather than over us. Fine with me.
3/21/18 Sunset Bay Marina
A lazy morning. Coffee on aft deck. Reading. David read some of the news out loud to me. Did some phone and computer work.
Our friend, Fordyce, called. Yea! He's back from the Bahamas and just up the waterway at Fort Pierce where we moored together a little less than a month ago. He was glad to have gone to the Bahamas but said he spent a lot time hiding from the wind and didn't get to explore as much as he'd hoped. So great to hear his voice and know that he was safe. He had a pretty harrowing story about loosing all his steering just as he was putting into his slip in Fort Pierce. That's getting fixed.
He is in the same relaxed situation we are on "vacation" time. We'll stay in touch and connect in person soon. We and he are interested in seeing the space launch on April 2 at Cape Kennedy but will likely connect well before that...which is only 12 days away (!). He has to be in Maryland by mid-April so he'll have to scoot if he does stay for launch. I'm really pleased to hear from him. Had been thinking about him last night/this morning and he called before I texted. Smiling.
David and I walked to town for lunch and hoped a visit with WPB friend, Cal. Cal was a drive-by visit with David. The walk in town was pleasant enough as was lunch. Now back on the boat for relaxing evening with beer and books. Perhaps another WPB friend, Mary Beth, will visit and we'll have some time with cousin, Kathryn and Lew. And maybe some photos, for visual interest.
Oh, Fordyce told us that the other Grace that we'd been traveling with earlier this week was right beside him in Fort Pierce. He's going to say hello and learn his plans. Maybe it'll be a "launch party" in Titusville on April 2.
Yesterday we pretty much forgot it was Spring Equinox...really it feels like summer here. Sorry my northern friends and family who are tired of winter but it is true. And, finally, we're on the vacation that sis-in-law keeps accusing us of...no goals, no agenda, no deadlines. Hmmmm, vacation. And since we've been here before for a couple of weeks there's not a great deal that we "just have to see or do." So we can be lazy.
Well we did get hot showers, both of us. Much needed. My growing longer hair was straw-like from ocean swim at Peck Lake even though I'd washed off in fresh water from our sun-shower on the forward deck. Sticky and a little matted feeling. So showers. Long showers...except not too long because we'd forgot that the showers are closed at 11:00 for cleaning. Twenty minutes was enough. My skin is really dry from the sun and wind. Sun lotion each day and body lotion most days, as well. Perhaps age also has something to do with the dryness.
David had a successful dentist appointment. Cousin Kathryn's husband, Lew, made an appointment with his dentist. A small filling to get David through the next couple of months and expect a crown, not the royalty kind, when he gets back to his own dentist. Insurance will pay for most of this visit.
I had the pleasure of doing laundry while David was at the dentist. Great laundry here at the marina. While clothes were washing, then drying, I read and chatted with the "regulars," those folks who've been coming here for 3-5 years. They are a generous group who've become friends over several years of showing up here at the same time. I was invited into the conversation and introduced all around by Olivia. Can't remember, if I ever found out, where folks are from but north...Michigan and Wisconsin?
Lots of wind. I worried while David was away that our wind scoop and my mosquito net/hatch cover would be shredded or blown away. The wind was that fierce. David returned and we made a dash for Grace in our dinghy. Didn't get as wet as I expected. Wind scoop and hatch cover were fine. We brought a bunch of stuff in from the deck and buttoned up for thunderstorm and water spout warnings. For about 2 hours we rocked and rolled and swung around. We could have read by lightning light but it wasn't steady enough. I learned as a kid to not stand in open doorways or near windows. Eh, we have a pilot house but I did ask David to move away from the open door. He says that warning is a wives' tale but I'm sticking with it. We moved down to the galley after a while. By bedtime the storm had passed. There were some brilliant moments of bolts of lightning but mostly the storm went around, rather than over us. Fine with me.
3/21/18 Sunset Bay Marina
A lazy morning. Coffee on aft deck. Reading. David read some of the news out loud to me. Did some phone and computer work.
Our friend, Fordyce, called. Yea! He's back from the Bahamas and just up the waterway at Fort Pierce where we moored together a little less than a month ago. He was glad to have gone to the Bahamas but said he spent a lot time hiding from the wind and didn't get to explore as much as he'd hoped. So great to hear his voice and know that he was safe. He had a pretty harrowing story about loosing all his steering just as he was putting into his slip in Fort Pierce. That's getting fixed.
He is in the same relaxed situation we are on "vacation" time. We'll stay in touch and connect in person soon. We and he are interested in seeing the space launch on April 2 at Cape Kennedy but will likely connect well before that...which is only 12 days away (!). He has to be in Maryland by mid-April so he'll have to scoot if he does stay for launch. I'm really pleased to hear from him. Had been thinking about him last night/this morning and he called before I texted. Smiling.
David and I walked to town for lunch and hoped a visit with WPB friend, Cal. Cal was a drive-by visit with David. The walk in town was pleasant enough as was lunch. Now back on the boat for relaxing evening with beer and books. Perhaps another WPB friend, Mary Beth, will visit and we'll have some time with cousin, Kathryn and Lew. And maybe some photos, for visual interest.
Oh, Fordyce told us that the other Grace that we'd been traveling with earlier this week was right beside him in Fort Pierce. He's going to say hello and learn his plans. Maybe it'll be a "launch party" in Titusville on April 2.
Monday, March 19, 2018
ocean swim
Stuart, FL...
....which is north of West Palm Beach. I slept in this morning. I started the evening's sleep on the aft deck where it was cooler and much more beautiful than inside. Came back inside around 1:00 a.m. A little chilly and had to pee. I curled in with David and Amelia and just kept sleeping. David checked in with Chris Parker and the weather windows (or not) for the Bahamas. Nothing until next week. Sooo.....
We've canned the Bahamas trip for this winter and are heading north, in the most leisurely fashion.
We might haven taken the little yacht tender but decided to come north on our own little yacht, Grace. But is this not cool. A boat garage in the LARGE motor yacht just across the channel from our anchor spot. A door opens and a motor boat comes out.
We've been told that the 3 port lights behind the boat garage are a patio. The door opens (folds down or slides up?) revealing sliding patio doors.
Oh my! We're leaving wealth behind.
At our first bridge opening request the bridge tender asked, "Didn't I just hear from you, Grace?" "No ma'm. We've not called before." Then a boat in front of us, waiting on the bridge said he'd just called and his boat was also Grace. So for much of the day we were identifying ourselves as Grace and "the other Grace" or the white hulled Grace and the black hulled Grace or Grace and Grace #2. Speaking to the other captain we said we could just be called "the Graces."
I don't know the man's name but he (and the boat) are from Needham, MA. They (?) just yesterday returned from the Bahamas but crossed over in early January. We told him our sad tale of engine work that had to be somewhat re-repaired, and being frozen in in Norfolk about the time he was landing in the Bahamas. Sigh. We had a lovely time chatting over the radio and with several bridge tenders who said in all their years this had never happened that two boats had the same name and were traveling toe to head. The other Grace was anchoring at Peck Lake. We were there last trip with Wendy and Dan and walked across the small dune to the ocean. David and I needed to get to Stuart today, though so....
We passed Peck Lake by. Passed some dolphins swimming beside us. Actually, they were probably fishing but it was beside us. About 4 miles up the waterway I was a little pouty/sad and David said "Do you want to go back?" YES! I was realizing that I've only been swimming in the warm ocean once during this entire trip and my chances for more were diminishing. At the moment I don't remember where that first swim was. My YES was emphatic enough that David believed me and we turned around and went back to Peck Lake. We anchored. Got in the dinghy and motored to the west side of the sand dune. Out for the short walk to the Atlantic. SWIMMING! Body surfing! Bouncing in the waves. Hurrah!!!!
Back from the beach way before dusk when the bugs were to come out...and bite us, no doubt, the captain of the other Grace hailed us from where he was anchored. "Are you staying?" "No, we just stopped for a swim and need to get to Stuart tonight." Hoping and expecting that we'll run into him several more times on our parallel journeys north. He's expecting to get to MA around mid-May.
Shortly before Peck Lake we rounded the turn north of Jupiter and saw this beautiful lighthouse. It was my Aunt Betty's favorite according to her daughters. It is lovely.
And why do we need to be in Stuart tonight? Well, we don't need to be here tonight but David broke his tooth...on a bagel...and cousin Kathryn and her husband Lew have made an appointment with Lew's dentist for tomorrow. Thank you all cuz and hubby. We thought it would be better to just get here tonight rather than having to travel early tomorrow.
We're in Sunset Bay Marina on a mooring we found as the marina was closed when we arrived. We'll check in tomorrow and get much needed showers, maybe even do a laundry. From the photo it is easy to see why it is called Sunset Bay.
We dined - rich and beans - on the aft deck in the dark all of which was perfect. We were in this marina on our past sailing to FL journey two years ago...for about two weeks waiting for the wind to die down (does this sound familiar) so we could cross (familiar, yes) Lake Okeechobee. Waiting for weather seems to be a theme for us.
We're tired tonight and licking our wounds, a bit, about not making it to the Bahamas. We have felt a little like wimps but also clear about not wanting to cross in seas that were too rough for our comfort and confidence. David went ashore today to get our bikes and ran into a couple who had come back from the Keys. She, of the couple, said that all the ports were crammed with boats still trying to "get across" and that they (the couple) had also thrown in the towel for this year and were heading back north. Sigh. And another sigh for all those others who've not made the crossing.
One of many beautiful houses north of West Palm Beach. Some were tremendously large and often empty of humans except for caretakers and gardeners. This modest one had flowers, maybe bougainvillea, climbing its walls.
We'll see to David's tooth tomorrow and hopefully have lunch with Kathryn and Lew. And take our time returning north. There is a rocket launch at Cape Kennedy on April 2 but we're not sure we want to travel that slowly. It only takes about 4 days to get from here to there and we're not sure we want to delay for 10 days. Maybe. Also still considering whether to leave Grace south or bring her all the way back to ME. It is such a long haul from ME to FL. But we do have more sea experience now so could cut out some of the slower ICW time. No decision as yet. We want to be in Winston-Salem NC for my aunt Kathleen's 90th birthday party on April 28. That is a firm commitment.
Our very blessed and privileged lives continue and we are grateful. Missing visiting the manatees and our few friends in WPB but glad to be out of that city and into more greenery. Both of us loved seeing the mangroves along the waterway today. More adventures.
....which is north of West Palm Beach. I slept in this morning. I started the evening's sleep on the aft deck where it was cooler and much more beautiful than inside. Came back inside around 1:00 a.m. A little chilly and had to pee. I curled in with David and Amelia and just kept sleeping. David checked in with Chris Parker and the weather windows (or not) for the Bahamas. Nothing until next week. Sooo.....
We've canned the Bahamas trip for this winter and are heading north, in the most leisurely fashion.
We might haven taken the little yacht tender but decided to come north on our own little yacht, Grace. But is this not cool. A boat garage in the LARGE motor yacht just across the channel from our anchor spot. A door opens and a motor boat comes out.
We've been told that the 3 port lights behind the boat garage are a patio. The door opens (folds down or slides up?) revealing sliding patio doors.
Oh my! We're leaving wealth behind.
At our first bridge opening request the bridge tender asked, "Didn't I just hear from you, Grace?" "No ma'm. We've not called before." Then a boat in front of us, waiting on the bridge said he'd just called and his boat was also Grace. So for much of the day we were identifying ourselves as Grace and "the other Grace" or the white hulled Grace and the black hulled Grace or Grace and Grace #2. Speaking to the other captain we said we could just be called "the Graces."
I don't know the man's name but he (and the boat) are from Needham, MA. They (?) just yesterday returned from the Bahamas but crossed over in early January. We told him our sad tale of engine work that had to be somewhat re-repaired, and being frozen in in Norfolk about the time he was landing in the Bahamas. Sigh. We had a lovely time chatting over the radio and with several bridge tenders who said in all their years this had never happened that two boats had the same name and were traveling toe to head. The other Grace was anchoring at Peck Lake. We were there last trip with Wendy and Dan and walked across the small dune to the ocean. David and I needed to get to Stuart today, though so....
We passed Peck Lake by. Passed some dolphins swimming beside us. Actually, they were probably fishing but it was beside us. About 4 miles up the waterway I was a little pouty/sad and David said "Do you want to go back?" YES! I was realizing that I've only been swimming in the warm ocean once during this entire trip and my chances for more were diminishing. At the moment I don't remember where that first swim was. My YES was emphatic enough that David believed me and we turned around and went back to Peck Lake. We anchored. Got in the dinghy and motored to the west side of the sand dune. Out for the short walk to the Atlantic. SWIMMING! Body surfing! Bouncing in the waves. Hurrah!!!!
Back from the beach way before dusk when the bugs were to come out...and bite us, no doubt, the captain of the other Grace hailed us from where he was anchored. "Are you staying?" "No, we just stopped for a swim and need to get to Stuart tonight." Hoping and expecting that we'll run into him several more times on our parallel journeys north. He's expecting to get to MA around mid-May.
Shortly before Peck Lake we rounded the turn north of Jupiter and saw this beautiful lighthouse. It was my Aunt Betty's favorite according to her daughters. It is lovely.
And why do we need to be in Stuart tonight? Well, we don't need to be here tonight but David broke his tooth...on a bagel...and cousin Kathryn and her husband Lew have made an appointment with Lew's dentist for tomorrow. Thank you all cuz and hubby. We thought it would be better to just get here tonight rather than having to travel early tomorrow.
We're in Sunset Bay Marina on a mooring we found as the marina was closed when we arrived. We'll check in tomorrow and get much needed showers, maybe even do a laundry. From the photo it is easy to see why it is called Sunset Bay.
We dined - rich and beans - on the aft deck in the dark all of which was perfect. We were in this marina on our past sailing to FL journey two years ago...for about two weeks waiting for the wind to die down (does this sound familiar) so we could cross (familiar, yes) Lake Okeechobee. Waiting for weather seems to be a theme for us.
We're tired tonight and licking our wounds, a bit, about not making it to the Bahamas. We have felt a little like wimps but also clear about not wanting to cross in seas that were too rough for our comfort and confidence. David went ashore today to get our bikes and ran into a couple who had come back from the Keys. She, of the couple, said that all the ports were crammed with boats still trying to "get across" and that they (the couple) had also thrown in the towel for this year and were heading back north. Sigh. And another sigh for all those others who've not made the crossing.
One of many beautiful houses north of West Palm Beach. Some were tremendously large and often empty of humans except for caretakers and gardeners. This modest one had flowers, maybe bougainvillea, climbing its walls.
We'll see to David's tooth tomorrow and hopefully have lunch with Kathryn and Lew. And take our time returning north. There is a rocket launch at Cape Kennedy on April 2 but we're not sure we want to travel that slowly. It only takes about 4 days to get from here to there and we're not sure we want to delay for 10 days. Maybe. Also still considering whether to leave Grace south or bring her all the way back to ME. It is such a long haul from ME to FL. But we do have more sea experience now so could cut out some of the slower ICW time. No decision as yet. We want to be in Winston-Salem NC for my aunt Kathleen's 90th birthday party on April 28. That is a firm commitment.
Our very blessed and privileged lives continue and we are grateful. Missing visiting the manatees and our few friends in WPB but glad to be out of that city and into more greenery. Both of us loved seeing the mangroves along the waterway today. More adventures.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Lake Worth, FL 3/18/20
It is beautiful here tonight. It has been beautiful here all day long! Warm, sunny, gentle wind. And tonight much the same except not sunny. The sliver moon and evening star have already dipped below the western horizon. Most of the pleasure boats large and small have gone home. There are no more hooting, hollering over-crowded boats going by. Lots of city lights, and boats at dock lights, but we are far enough from both that they are wonderful impressionistic lights, nodding to the fact that this IS a city with city dwellers.
So I type in the dark. David is investigating something in the lighted saloon/galley and Amelia is sleeping beside me up in the pilot house.
WE WENT SAILING today. Up not so early and puttered and read and watched and remembered. Around noon, a bit before, I suggested that I'd be ready to leave the mooring in about 5 minutes...and we both were ready. Amelia was still talking about "Well yes! We've all been delighted to have experiences to share. And sailing, if it is as calm as today's trip, is fine enough for a nap at sea."
smaller waves
beautiful color
not quite gulf stream or Bahamas color but....really pretty.
David tried out our fishing hear...his fishing gear...I really want no part of the potential results.
His first catch? Seaweed! His second and third and fourth catches...seaweed. Vegan eating tonight? NOT.
It was a slow, gentle sail along the coast line north of West Palm Beach. I think we topped out, speed-wise, at 2.2 knots.
Slow. Gentle.
Our sails were full though.
Back on the boat for dinner of lasagna with artichokes and asparagus. Delicious and enough for lunch tomorrow. We had a verbal altercation with a local diver whose mooring we were on for a week. We'll pay him even though the ball damages, cosmetically, our hull. We are on anchor tonight just outside Rybovich. Holy cow those are LARGE vessels, especially this close.
Hard to see but there is a helicopter on the middle aft deck of the "little" boat that is motoring away from me. The helicopter hovered near us then sped away then came back and hovered closer to its home boat that was waiting in the channel in from of our mooring. Then hovering close, close, close to home boat. I thought it might be picking up or dropping off goods or humans. But, NO. It landed. And the boat left.
Another neighbor.
The wealth gets a little tiring but identifying the various country flags is interesting. Lots of British and UK looking flags...territories?
The weather is still not looking good.....rest of the coming week. We'll get the oil test results and make a final decision. The overheating issue has been solved with the new thermostat. David speaks of being tired of WPB. Too much of a city with amenities to far away requiring Uber. We're talking about aborting the Bahama trip for this year. Great effort but, oh my, this has been a difficult, challenging journey.
Amelia and I have an aft deck sit. I watch the boats. She naps. David joined us for coffee and photo.
It is beautiful here tonight. It has been beautiful here all day long! Warm, sunny, gentle wind. And tonight much the same except not sunny. The sliver moon and evening star have already dipped below the western horizon. Most of the pleasure boats large and small have gone home. There are no more hooting, hollering over-crowded boats going by. Lots of city lights, and boats at dock lights, but we are far enough from both that they are wonderful impressionistic lights, nodding to the fact that this IS a city with city dwellers.
So I type in the dark. David is investigating something in the lighted saloon/galley and Amelia is sleeping beside me up in the pilot house.
WE WENT SAILING today. Up not so early and puttered and read and watched and remembered. Around noon, a bit before, I suggested that I'd be ready to leave the mooring in about 5 minutes...and we both were ready. Amelia was still talking about "Well yes! We've all been delighted to have experiences to share. And sailing, if it is as calm as today's trip, is fine enough for a nap at sea."
smaller waves
beautiful color
not quite gulf stream or Bahamas color but....really pretty.
David tried out our fishing hear...his fishing gear...I really want no part of the potential results.
His first catch? Seaweed! His second and third and fourth catches...seaweed. Vegan eating tonight? NOT.
It was a slow, gentle sail along the coast line north of West Palm Beach. I think we topped out, speed-wise, at 2.2 knots.
Slow. Gentle.
Our sails were full though.
Back on the boat for dinner of lasagna with artichokes and asparagus. Delicious and enough for lunch tomorrow. We had a verbal altercation with a local diver whose mooring we were on for a week. We'll pay him even though the ball damages, cosmetically, our hull. We are on anchor tonight just outside Rybovich. Holy cow those are LARGE vessels, especially this close.
Hard to see but there is a helicopter on the middle aft deck of the "little" boat that is motoring away from me. The helicopter hovered near us then sped away then came back and hovered closer to its home boat that was waiting in the channel in from of our mooring. Then hovering close, close, close to home boat. I thought it might be picking up or dropping off goods or humans. But, NO. It landed. And the boat left.
Another neighbor.
The wealth gets a little tiring but identifying the various country flags is interesting. Lots of British and UK looking flags...territories?
The weather is still not looking good.....rest of the coming week. We'll get the oil test results and make a final decision. The overheating issue has been solved with the new thermostat. David speaks of being tired of WPB. Too much of a city with amenities to far away requiring Uber. We're talking about aborting the Bahama trip for this year. Great effort but, oh my, this has been a difficult, challenging journey.
Amelia and I have an aft deck sit. I watch the boats. She naps. David joined us for coffee and photo.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
St. Patrick's Day
Lake Worth, FL
How lucky can a human be? This morning...the past several mornings...on the aft deck, coffee, blanket over my legs...cat on my lap. Watching boats parade by. Sun. Clear sky. Warm. Light breeze. Safe as can be. Loved. Loving. Content. Really, what privilege. Well fed. Healthy. Sheltered. Adventuring. surrounded by beauty of water and sky. The wealth surrounding me makes me a little uneasy but....
Several mornings now it has been warm enough to sit on the aft deck with coffee, a meditation of sorts. Enjoying the beginning of an unstructured day. This day I got dressed for yoga at the Manatee Lagoon but the scene on/from the aft deck was so compelling that I didn't get off the boat in time to get to yoga.
I did make it to the Manatee Lagoon though and saw a baby and another that I assume was the mom as they continued to hang out close to each other.
There were also Sheepshead fish nibbling at their skin, feeding on algae and other critters.
And the water IS the color here and rather shallow, maybe 6'. There are also other fish and one more really big manatee. It was covered with algae that the "manatee Master" said gave the researchers an idea of where that one had been hanging out. I think it was fresh water that caused algae growth, rather than salt water. I learned that babies (calves) are generally about 4' long at birth and weigh about 60 lbs. All the ones I saw today, including the baby, had marks of boat props on their backs. Danger!
The MM said there had been 200 manatees in this area of the Lagoon in December. !!!
David was employed this morning to show a couple two boats that were for sale. He met them as I biked off to the Manatee Lagoon. After spending some time watching the manatees I biked to the Farmers' market downtown. I took a new route and went through some sweet neighborhoods with both large and small houses but all older and well maintained.
Often hedges add privacy to the compact house lots. This little hole in the wall hedge was lovely. Sometimes the houses are near the front of the narrow house lots with yard privately behind the house. Other houses were near the rear of the lot with lots of vegetation at the front either hiding or shading the property. Most of the houses in this neighborhood were smaller, one story cottages.
And there are alleys that give access to the backs of the houses and hide the trash cans and sometimes garage the cars. Those alleys are often as well maintained as the street side of the houses. Reminds me of St. Louis neighborhood I lived in once. Great bike ride exploring on this beautiful, not too hot, day.
I appreciated several different people with dogs shortening the leashes of their canines as I came close on my bike. At one point a little dog who seemed lost started following me. I outran it.
David joined me at the Farmers' Market when his "job" was complete. He and I had gone yesterday to see the boats he was to show today, to make sure he knew where they were in the mooring field and be sure he could find the keys and get aboard.
The boat parade continues......
These two may have been going to view the Boat show...or maybe they were for sale. Somehow, though, I don't think that is true of the top one. All those fenders cause me to think it is owned and enjoyed.
Post Farmers' Market and all that bicycle riding - 5+miles! - we came back to the boat for a nap. Exercise, sunshine, fresh air....all that calls for a recovery nap.
Then to the Sailing club for St. Patrick's Day celebration and dinner, mediocre dinner but I didn't have to cook. The music was a steel drum with back up rhythm. Irish? Good musician but...? The cheese cake was great. Back to the boat for Irish Whiskey.
New sunglasses to replace the red ones that lost a lens
longer hair
loose skin chicken neck
Ready for the evening at home.
How lucky can a human be? This morning...the past several mornings...on the aft deck, coffee, blanket over my legs...cat on my lap. Watching boats parade by. Sun. Clear sky. Warm. Light breeze. Safe as can be. Loved. Loving. Content. Really, what privilege. Well fed. Healthy. Sheltered. Adventuring. surrounded by beauty of water and sky. The wealth surrounding me makes me a little uneasy but....
Several mornings now it has been warm enough to sit on the aft deck with coffee, a meditation of sorts. Enjoying the beginning of an unstructured day. This day I got dressed for yoga at the Manatee Lagoon but the scene on/from the aft deck was so compelling that I didn't get off the boat in time to get to yoga.
I did make it to the Manatee Lagoon though and saw a baby and another that I assume was the mom as they continued to hang out close to each other.
There were also Sheepshead fish nibbling at their skin, feeding on algae and other critters.
And the water IS the color here and rather shallow, maybe 6'. There are also other fish and one more really big manatee. It was covered with algae that the "manatee Master" said gave the researchers an idea of where that one had been hanging out. I think it was fresh water that caused algae growth, rather than salt water. I learned that babies (calves) are generally about 4' long at birth and weigh about 60 lbs. All the ones I saw today, including the baby, had marks of boat props on their backs. Danger!
The MM said there had been 200 manatees in this area of the Lagoon in December. !!!
David was employed this morning to show a couple two boats that were for sale. He met them as I biked off to the Manatee Lagoon. After spending some time watching the manatees I biked to the Farmers' market downtown. I took a new route and went through some sweet neighborhoods with both large and small houses but all older and well maintained.
Often hedges add privacy to the compact house lots. This little hole in the wall hedge was lovely. Sometimes the houses are near the front of the narrow house lots with yard privately behind the house. Other houses were near the rear of the lot with lots of vegetation at the front either hiding or shading the property. Most of the houses in this neighborhood were smaller, one story cottages.
And there are alleys that give access to the backs of the houses and hide the trash cans and sometimes garage the cars. Those alleys are often as well maintained as the street side of the houses. Reminds me of St. Louis neighborhood I lived in once. Great bike ride exploring on this beautiful, not too hot, day.
I appreciated several different people with dogs shortening the leashes of their canines as I came close on my bike. At one point a little dog who seemed lost started following me. I outran it.
David joined me at the Farmers' Market when his "job" was complete. He and I had gone yesterday to see the boats he was to show today, to make sure he knew where they were in the mooring field and be sure he could find the keys and get aboard.
The boat parade continues......
These two may have been going to view the Boat show...or maybe they were for sale. Somehow, though, I don't think that is true of the top one. All those fenders cause me to think it is owned and enjoyed.
Post Farmers' Market and all that bicycle riding - 5+miles! - we came back to the boat for a nap. Exercise, sunshine, fresh air....all that calls for a recovery nap.
Then to the Sailing club for St. Patrick's Day celebration and dinner, mediocre dinner but I didn't have to cook. The music was a steel drum with back up rhythm. Irish? Good musician but...? The cheese cake was great. Back to the boat for Irish Whiskey.
New sunglasses to replace the red ones that lost a lens
longer hair
loose skin chicken neck
Ready for the evening at home.
Friday, March 16, 2018
Blue Line/Yellow Line
Lake Worth, FL
Thursday 3/15/20
We went to town today...West Palm Beach...cereal and coffee for breakfast and then we were off the boat. We took the bikes to Northwood Village, the neighborhood of West Palm Beach that is being revitalized through the arts with BIG murals on sides of buildings..2 or 3 story buildings...lots of arts studios and restaurants and funky little stores... antiques and "treasures." Our first stop was a Thrift Store. I bought a pair of stretch jeans and 2 books. Score! Now my lightweight jeans can be relegated to "work" clothes except that I've sworn off "work," maybe really distressed "at home out of public view" jeans.
We locked our bikes in front of the storefront USPO and jumped on a Blue Line Trolley. It took us on a trip to the WPB Outlet Mall, a rather LARGE shopping mall. We didn't want to go there but that was part of the trip. Retracing its pathway the trolley came back to where it had picked us up then went on to another pathway which intersected with the Yellow Line which would take us to another part of downtown.
By this time we were hungry so got off at the Publix..the one we'd taken an Uber to a couple days ago...which is a half block from the City Place, an amazing shopping, entertainment venue complex.
Multi-level and just keeps curving around...high end stores...lots of bars and food...a huge movie theater complex...and these beautiful shadows of palm trees.
We wandered around for a while, unwilling to leave this space but not wanting to "shop" since we neither needed nor wanted anything in these stores.
Actually I need to replace my favorite sunglasses, the red ones, because the lens keeps popping out since I dropped them and now I've finally lost the lens. But the first pair I picked up in the Sunglass Hut cost $163. Clearly, I'm in the wrong store.
The same place but from a different angle. The fountain spouts lovely rainbow patterns. Rainbow because the water has light from our beautiful sun shining through it.
We had lunch at a fast food South Western place. When finished we walked around the "Place." David settled on a park bench to make a phone call or two. I went in search of the ice cream we'd passed. We re-did our pathway...Yellow to Blue to bikes to the Sailing Club.
David took off to Grace because he'd received the part that was, indeed, mailed to him within a couple of days. I went to yoga and saw...7 manatees, including a mom and baby.
As far as I know this is neither the mom nor the baby. The "bump" hear her tail is a sheepshead fish. I've seen those fish close to the manatees several times. I assume eating part of the manatees environment.
Would love to go early tomorrow morning when the water is still coolest but doubt that will happen.
We dined on board late then had a late night visit from Mary Beth who lives aboard with her partner about 30 yards from us. She is secretary/greeter at the Sailing Club. We remind her of her parents and says we are in good company with them as they are wonderful. She was checking on another neighborhood boat and stopped by (because she likes us), came aboard, wine and chatted for about an hour. Her small dog, Milo, whimpered so was allowed on our deck. Amelia was on the seatee in the pilot house. Dog and cat eyed each other but no one left their respective posts. We gossiped about club politics and the unfortunate event of another neighbor's van being broken into and equipment stolen. The club is lax on security even though the security equipment is available on site. The theft caused us to move our bikes to a more well lit spot. So far, so good.
David has a gig and will make a little money from it! Our "mooring field mayor" neighbor, also a yacht broker is away in Maryland showing a boat. A couple want to see two boats that are here this weekend and Cal asked David if he would show them (!). Well, yes. So Saturday a couple will arrive from Ft. Lauderdale and Captain David will dinghy them around to the two boats, open them up (the boats) and allow the couple to visit as long as they want. Ooh and aah, appropriately, dinghy them back to shore then close the boats up. And get a little travel fund money for the fun.
Friday, 3/16/20
Amelia was up more in keeping with her land schedule last night...4 times, mostly for a little food. She does have a weird eating schedule, even for an elder. She and I finally got up and stayed up around 8:00 a.m. and she wanted to go out on the deck. A recent decent as she'd not been interested...maybe since we made our first try for the Bahamas. That was traumatic enough to keep even the saltiest feline inside. But this morning she went out several times on her own. I made coffee and took a blanket to the aft deck and she came and went and had a lap-sit with me a couple times. When David joined me Amelia also came out, the entire boat family for a little while...watching the reshuffling of the BIG boats at Rybovich and the parade of smaller boats going to the boat show which is next (not this) weekend in town. It's going to be a huge show with section of town totally blocked off. All power boats. David looked up the price of 96' - 200' boats and found that they started at around $43 million. OMG, what we are looking at across the way!
Boat stuff today. New thermostat in place, running the engine to heat the oil for a new oil sample to take to the lab later this afternoon. Then at least a dinghy ride to find the boats to be shown tomorrow, maybe a Grace ride somewhere. We've not been off mooring since # 2 attempt at the Bahamas.
Another new Amelia habit...she best enjoys eating if I hold her bowl for her. It doesn't have to be higher than the floor but it is best if I'm holding it and sitting with her...maybe a few petting strokes, too.
Princess feline.
Beautiful, lighter wind day. Still cool and the wind has shifted more from the west. We consider whether or not to continue our Bahamas ambition, depending upon the outcome of the oil test, or, if oil test is fine, to just start a slower, adventuresome journey north.
At this moment I'd vote to cross to the Bahamas if we have good - that is calm seas and favorable wind - weather. I'd like to have that successful experience under my belt. I don't think the journey will get easier or my courage greater as my years advance. But with a successful experience....who knows maybe anther trip with ore than a week to stay. Still considering.
Thursday 3/15/20
We went to town today...West Palm Beach...cereal and coffee for breakfast and then we were off the boat. We took the bikes to Northwood Village, the neighborhood of West Palm Beach that is being revitalized through the arts with BIG murals on sides of buildings..2 or 3 story buildings...lots of arts studios and restaurants and funky little stores... antiques and "treasures." Our first stop was a Thrift Store. I bought a pair of stretch jeans and 2 books. Score! Now my lightweight jeans can be relegated to "work" clothes except that I've sworn off "work," maybe really distressed "at home out of public view" jeans.
We locked our bikes in front of the storefront USPO and jumped on a Blue Line Trolley. It took us on a trip to the WPB Outlet Mall, a rather LARGE shopping mall. We didn't want to go there but that was part of the trip. Retracing its pathway the trolley came back to where it had picked us up then went on to another pathway which intersected with the Yellow Line which would take us to another part of downtown.
By this time we were hungry so got off at the Publix..the one we'd taken an Uber to a couple days ago...which is a half block from the City Place, an amazing shopping, entertainment venue complex.
Multi-level and just keeps curving around...high end stores...lots of bars and food...a huge movie theater complex...and these beautiful shadows of palm trees.
We wandered around for a while, unwilling to leave this space but not wanting to "shop" since we neither needed nor wanted anything in these stores.
Actually I need to replace my favorite sunglasses, the red ones, because the lens keeps popping out since I dropped them and now I've finally lost the lens. But the first pair I picked up in the Sunglass Hut cost $163. Clearly, I'm in the wrong store.
The same place but from a different angle. The fountain spouts lovely rainbow patterns. Rainbow because the water has light from our beautiful sun shining through it.
We had lunch at a fast food South Western place. When finished we walked around the "Place." David settled on a park bench to make a phone call or two. I went in search of the ice cream we'd passed. We re-did our pathway...Yellow to Blue to bikes to the Sailing Club.
David took off to Grace because he'd received the part that was, indeed, mailed to him within a couple of days. I went to yoga and saw...7 manatees, including a mom and baby.
As far as I know this is neither the mom nor the baby. The "bump" hear her tail is a sheepshead fish. I've seen those fish close to the manatees several times. I assume eating part of the manatees environment.
Would love to go early tomorrow morning when the water is still coolest but doubt that will happen.
We dined on board late then had a late night visit from Mary Beth who lives aboard with her partner about 30 yards from us. She is secretary/greeter at the Sailing Club. We remind her of her parents and says we are in good company with them as they are wonderful. She was checking on another neighborhood boat and stopped by (because she likes us), came aboard, wine and chatted for about an hour. Her small dog, Milo, whimpered so was allowed on our deck. Amelia was on the seatee in the pilot house. Dog and cat eyed each other but no one left their respective posts. We gossiped about club politics and the unfortunate event of another neighbor's van being broken into and equipment stolen. The club is lax on security even though the security equipment is available on site. The theft caused us to move our bikes to a more well lit spot. So far, so good.
David has a gig and will make a little money from it! Our "mooring field mayor" neighbor, also a yacht broker is away in Maryland showing a boat. A couple want to see two boats that are here this weekend and Cal asked David if he would show them (!). Well, yes. So Saturday a couple will arrive from Ft. Lauderdale and Captain David will dinghy them around to the two boats, open them up (the boats) and allow the couple to visit as long as they want. Ooh and aah, appropriately, dinghy them back to shore then close the boats up. And get a little travel fund money for the fun.
Friday, 3/16/20
Amelia was up more in keeping with her land schedule last night...4 times, mostly for a little food. She does have a weird eating schedule, even for an elder. She and I finally got up and stayed up around 8:00 a.m. and she wanted to go out on the deck. A recent decent as she'd not been interested...maybe since we made our first try for the Bahamas. That was traumatic enough to keep even the saltiest feline inside. But this morning she went out several times on her own. I made coffee and took a blanket to the aft deck and she came and went and had a lap-sit with me a couple times. When David joined me Amelia also came out, the entire boat family for a little while...watching the reshuffling of the BIG boats at Rybovich and the parade of smaller boats going to the boat show which is next (not this) weekend in town. It's going to be a huge show with section of town totally blocked off. All power boats. David looked up the price of 96' - 200' boats and found that they started at around $43 million. OMG, what we are looking at across the way!
Boat stuff today. New thermostat in place, running the engine to heat the oil for a new oil sample to take to the lab later this afternoon. Then at least a dinghy ride to find the boats to be shown tomorrow, maybe a Grace ride somewhere. We've not been off mooring since # 2 attempt at the Bahamas.
Another new Amelia habit...she best enjoys eating if I hold her bowl for her. It doesn't have to be higher than the floor but it is best if I'm holding it and sitting with her...maybe a few petting strokes, too.
Princess feline.
Beautiful, lighter wind day. Still cool and the wind has shifted more from the west. We consider whether or not to continue our Bahamas ambition, depending upon the outcome of the oil test, or, if oil test is fine, to just start a slower, adventuresome journey north.
At this moment I'd vote to cross to the Bahamas if we have good - that is calm seas and favorable wind - weather. I'd like to have that successful experience under my belt. I don't think the journey will get easier or my courage greater as my years advance. But with a successful experience....who knows maybe anther trip with ore than a week to stay. Still considering.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
I saw one!!!
Lake Worth, FL
A manatee! I went to yoga class at the Manatee Lagoon center and everyone was on the balcony rather than in the yoga room. Out I went, of course.
This lone manatee was just bobbing around, flapping her tail every now and then to move somewhere else.
What a treat! It's been cooler here this past week and the manatees come closer to the warm water outlet from the power plant. Perfect.
David and I spoke of going in earlier this morning to see if more were there. And David could see a manatee, too. But we didn't get off the boat until afternoon. Maybe tomorrow, as it is still cool...50s. But, no snow!
We've discovered the engine hot flash issue...stuck thermostat! I learned, after David worked most of yesterday to get the thermostat out, that this isn't the kind of thermostat that I have on my living room wall at our home on land. That would have been easy. I didn't realize one (David) had to take this hose off and that hose off and disconnect that and take this big, honking metal face off the engine and then pry out this really petit instrument that is about 1.5" in diameter and about 1.5" deep with a big spring around a copper column. It looks a bit like a gyroscope but...it doesn't work. Supposed to "open" at 160 degrees but ours opened at 235 degrees. No wonder the engine was overheating!
So a new one ordered which should arrive tomorrow. Now for the new oil test to see if the old test that came back with aluminum and sodium was a fluke or something more serious. But can't do that test until we get the thermostat and reconstruct the engine.
During one of cleaning, sorting adventures while DCW was working on the engine I found an older photo of David.
This one taken BEFORE our attempts to cross the Gulf Stream to the Abacos.
This one taken AFTER our attempts to cross the Gulf Stream to the Abacos.
He's almost smiling.
After my yoga class yesterday and seeing the manatee David and I ubered to the Riviera Marina Tiki Bar and met some friends from the mooring field for dinner. While eating a the woman from the couple nearby asked, "Did I hear you all talking about yoga?" So the sextet of us had a wonderful time chatting and planning...the women talking dance (all of us have dancing experience in theater and stage) and the men talking about sailing and captaining. The women are planing coffee on Monday (if we're still here) and the newest woman is going to meet me at the yoga class on Thursday.
Perhaps another manatee sighting tomorrow. This is a second pic of the first one I saw. The security guard at the manatee lagoon showed David and me photos of a group of eight that he took at another location on the Lagoon campus. Amazing.
So we're here for at least another couple days dealing with engine mysteries before we start listening to the weather again. Tomorrow, a bike trip or bus trip to town and a museum or two. And, I want to buy a new pair of jeans. Mine are comfortable...too comfortable to be worn in public...stretched out, loose and baggy and early worn out thighs from rubbing my dirty hands on them all these years...and the washings. Maybe earrings or a tee shirt?
Amelia continues to increase her sleeping schedule and she is shedding like crazy. I love how her front feet look, to me, like bunny feet. And she stretches so long. I need to trim her toenails again. She hates that but generally doesn't try to bite me. She's having trouble jumping, not the jumping but getting purchase on the slippery floor. And she's reluctant to jump down because of aging bones. I understand that.
She's totally quit offering to go outside. Perhaps the instability of balance and leg strength and flexibility. Recovery from any mis-step is iffy.
So I worry about her. Wonder if I should take her to a vet here to have her teeth cleaned. They are a dirty mess that the home vet and I knew before we left. Mostly, though, she seems content.
As am I.
A manatee! I went to yoga class at the Manatee Lagoon center and everyone was on the balcony rather than in the yoga room. Out I went, of course.
This lone manatee was just bobbing around, flapping her tail every now and then to move somewhere else.
What a treat! It's been cooler here this past week and the manatees come closer to the warm water outlet from the power plant. Perfect.
David and I spoke of going in earlier this morning to see if more were there. And David could see a manatee, too. But we didn't get off the boat until afternoon. Maybe tomorrow, as it is still cool...50s. But, no snow!
We've discovered the engine hot flash issue...stuck thermostat! I learned, after David worked most of yesterday to get the thermostat out, that this isn't the kind of thermostat that I have on my living room wall at our home on land. That would have been easy. I didn't realize one (David) had to take this hose off and that hose off and disconnect that and take this big, honking metal face off the engine and then pry out this really petit instrument that is about 1.5" in diameter and about 1.5" deep with a big spring around a copper column. It looks a bit like a gyroscope but...it doesn't work. Supposed to "open" at 160 degrees but ours opened at 235 degrees. No wonder the engine was overheating!
So a new one ordered which should arrive tomorrow. Now for the new oil test to see if the old test that came back with aluminum and sodium was a fluke or something more serious. But can't do that test until we get the thermostat and reconstruct the engine.
During one of cleaning, sorting adventures while DCW was working on the engine I found an older photo of David.
This one taken BEFORE our attempts to cross the Gulf Stream to the Abacos.
This one taken AFTER our attempts to cross the Gulf Stream to the Abacos.
He's almost smiling.
After my yoga class yesterday and seeing the manatee David and I ubered to the Riviera Marina Tiki Bar and met some friends from the mooring field for dinner. While eating a the woman from the couple nearby asked, "Did I hear you all talking about yoga?" So the sextet of us had a wonderful time chatting and planning...the women talking dance (all of us have dancing experience in theater and stage) and the men talking about sailing and captaining. The women are planing coffee on Monday (if we're still here) and the newest woman is going to meet me at the yoga class on Thursday.
Perhaps another manatee sighting tomorrow. This is a second pic of the first one I saw. The security guard at the manatee lagoon showed David and me photos of a group of eight that he took at another location on the Lagoon campus. Amazing.
So we're here for at least another couple days dealing with engine mysteries before we start listening to the weather again. Tomorrow, a bike trip or bus trip to town and a museum or two. And, I want to buy a new pair of jeans. Mine are comfortable...too comfortable to be worn in public...stretched out, loose and baggy and early worn out thighs from rubbing my dirty hands on them all these years...and the washings. Maybe earrings or a tee shirt?
Amelia continues to increase her sleeping schedule and she is shedding like crazy. I love how her front feet look, to me, like bunny feet. And she stretches so long. I need to trim her toenails again. She hates that but generally doesn't try to bite me. She's having trouble jumping, not the jumping but getting purchase on the slippery floor. And she's reluctant to jump down because of aging bones. I understand that.
She's totally quit offering to go outside. Perhaps the instability of balance and leg strength and flexibility. Recovery from any mis-step is iffy.
So I worry about her. Wonder if I should take her to a vet here to have her teeth cleaned. They are a dirty mess that the home vet and I knew before we left. Mostly, though, she seems content.
As am I.
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