Monday, November 30, 2015

11/30/15   Monday

Up early but sat around on the boat and enjoyed the quiet and the warming morning sun. A lovely anchorage, Bass Creek. Very plain, lacking variety but so lovely. The tide went out and we were level with the top of the sea grass. The tide came in and we were high enough to see into the sea grass and see other pools of water. I've been surprised at the height of the tides. I guess I was expecting the tides to diminish as we came south. I do think the FL tides are much slighter. Here they are 7'!
Bass Creek sunrise
The beauty was beautiful and peaceful. However, we were totally alone....and I've been reading a murder night. For the first time, I locked the cabin doors when I went to bed. I felt foolish and I felt safer.

They might lock their doors, too.
Short day, mostly traveling with the tide...which made it shorter than traveling against the tide. We made the 1100 swing bridge at Ladies Island and were on a mooring at Beaufort City Marina before noon. I think David did a small project. I read my book (finished it tonight - murder mystery by an Israeli writer). A dingy buzzed up and we were delighted to see our friends from Charleston, John and Darlene. They were anchored here We chatted and decided to dine together tomorrow night on their boat. Darlene is definitely allergic to Amelia. She started coughing and coughing when she was on our boat on Friday. Didn't know she was allergic but got over her cough within an hour of leaving. 

A little later we notice that Sacajawea, our next slip neighbor in Beaufort NC, (owners Jon and Alice) was one mooring line away and they were getting into their dinghy. They came over to remind us that they owed us a beer. We agreed to meet in town and take the loaner car to the hardware and grocery store together. Did that. Then went to their boat for the beer they owed us from NC. Sat on their aft deck to talk, drink and watch the sun set. Another friend of theirs joined us. Then we excused ourselves to come home to dine.

What a social afternoon, with more in store tomorrow. No need to lock the doors tonight as we are surrounded by friendly boats and our boat friends.

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