Tuesday, November 17, 2015

11/16/15  Monday

Cousin Dale is visiting us for a couple of days. We talk. We walk. We sit. We pet kitty. We plan adventures. Sometimes we take them.

Today we went to the little island across the Taylor Creek - took the Avon inflatable dinghy over. Walked on the side facing Beaufort but were stymied with the high tide and soggy marsh. So, back in the dinghy to go around to another side of the island. Tied up and walked the center pathway so as to avoid those marshy wetlands. I was particularly interested in seeing the wild ponies. And there was other wildlife, too, but not much. LOTS of prickly pear cachti and fierce prickers that attached even to leather shoes. Thank goodness we weren't in flipflops!
honeysuckle blooming NOW
Wild horses - well, one horse - munching in the marsh
Saw the same one this morning from our breakfast deck across the Creek you see here
After our island adventure we motored up (or down?) the creek to see the boats and, maybe, get to Carrot Island to go ashore. Didn't make it to Carrot but saw boats including one that was sunk except for the mast and a bit of sail. Apparently it has been in its present state for quite some time. Another is grounded on the Rachel Carson shore. But this pretend pirate boat was whimsical.
Thar be pirates in these here waters
And a photo of previous visiting cousins
Gary and Patsy Stewart visiting us in Beaufort, NC
After dinner David, Dale and I were sitting in the galley chatting and chatting on all sorts of topics. Suddenly there was a rap on our door. Nobody knocks on the boat door at 8:30 PM. Really. Who? What? Why? I was closest. Looked out....and there was Ian, our friend from David's Captain's class. He and his budy Tom were delivering a boat to FL and had caught up with us. They left last week but are traveling fast for the delivery. They and Tom's cousin from New Bern came in and toured the boat and visited for about 45 minutes. Terrific! They were dining in Beaufort and then just touring the docks, looking at boats when Ian spotted the Nauticat....from Maine....from Freeport!...."It must be David and Nancy!" And it was.

Another small world event, coming up the dock we met a couple who said her sis lived in South Freeport. "Do you know her? Julie Freund?" Yes! We're invited to dinner but I'm not sure we'll be able to make it. Such fun, though, and appreciate those invitations and connections.

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