Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11/3/15  Tuesday

Cloud cover all day today. Traveling from Belhaven, past Bath and onto "Little" Washington, purportedly to be the first town to be named after George Washington, long before the DC version. We're here near the head of the Pamlico River ited up to the free town dock right near the middle of town. Quite different from last eve's free town dock.
Free dock in Belhaven
The trip was easy. No rain. Few boats. Shallow water but we're accustomed to 9-13 feet by now. David did the navigating, checking it by me when there were questions, he using the electronic and me using the paper charts, and the steering. I finished some hand sewing on a seat cushion I'd started earlier this year. Began deconstructing the upholstry on an arm rest in the Pilot House. That is a task that requires srew drier, pliers, muscle, tenacity and patience.

We docked around 3:30 with the help of Charles, the dockmaster today. He used to work at RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co in Winston-Salem for 25 years before coming back to his home town here. David took a trip down to his office and to the bath house for a shower. I did some financial bookkeeping and started dinner. We're doimg some rethinking about when we go to Winston-Salem and how long we'll stay in NC, based on when the weather traditionally turns more chilly. Now listening to some lovely music on our iPod, reading while the cat snores and David talks w/sis, Sharyl. Some major contentment and, continually, feeling blessed.

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