Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11/9/15 Monday  "original" Washington to Mayo Seafood/Dock in South Creek

We arrived back in original Washington as the locals remind us around 4:00 PM yesterday after a delicious visit with Aunt Kathleen and cousins Patsy and Gary, Kay and John and Dale, all sort of local Winston-Salem double cousins. Wonderful to see them and focus on visiting there rather than trying to visit EVERYONE we know in the area. Kitty, Amelia, loved the spacious (6+ rooms), stable (no rocking waves), quiet (no engine noise) house. She left our bed to go see if she could sleep w/Kathleen the last night we were there. No, Kat was unwilling and kindly but firmly put her off the bed.

Back in original Washington Pat and Kathryn, their oldest son, Arthur, and his intended met us for dinner (great Mexican food) and retrieved Arthur’s car. We’d stopped on the way to get groceries so we’re re-provisioned for several days. And now we’ve stopped at the seafood arrival place so we’re provisioned for several more days. FRESH shrimp tonight!!!

We slipped our slip this morning (Monday) around 9:30 AM, called the train trestle  bridge who opened it and waved us through…leaving Washington. We headed down river in gentle rain and gentle seas. Not seas, really, and the Pamlico/Tar River has no tide. However, there had been enough rain that there was a current toward the ocean, in the direction we were going. So, we got a little help from good ol’ mom Nature for awhile.
Green ivy, and Christmas decorations went up while we were here - "original" Washington
Leaving "original" Washington, the train bridge tender is on the dock.
Then it got rough. Wind from the SE about 8 knots against the current running sort of SE, seas/river waves about 3’. Luckily they were on our nose so rough but not wallowy (is that a word? My spell checker thinks not, at least w/my spelling). But no fear! We’ve been in MUCH worse. Even kitty kept sleeping. When we got to our turn into the ICW the “seas” were behind us and pushing us into the “ditch”. It was, however, pouring rain. We’ve discovered even MORE leaks.
Big, nasty waves but no fear
Now, pulled up to the dock at Mayo Seafood. I landed our boat like a PRO – squeaked in onto the dock. A boat from East Machias in front of us and HUGH shrimp boats (larger than the Forest Gump shrimp boats!!) to our stern. We’ll stay here tonight and try to get an early start in the morning, hoping to make Oriental, at least, and maybe Beaufort by tomorrow night.
Our backyard neighbor at Mayo

Loving the journey. Loving David. Sad to realize that everything ends and… everything continues, which isn’t sooo sad. Hoping to see Kathleen in the spring on our return trip, along with more of our W-S friends that we didn’t take time for this trip south. Catch in the throat knowing there are no guarantees.

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