Tuesday, December 1, 2015

12/1/15  Tuesday

Chillin' in Beaufort, SC. A short walk downtown. We'll extend/expand that tomorrow w/more time. Took care of some business - Long Term Care insurance decisions, holding tank pump out, banking, Freeport Players publicity efforts - mostly the kind of stuff we take care of in land-based home...well, not the pump out.

Took a long dinghy ride across the river to Ladies Island. Were invited to tie up at the Ladies Island Marina where the dock master welcomed us and raved (reasonably so) about the assets of being there rather than at the Beaufort City Marina. We told him we were anchored, that is, we lied a little. We did some provision shopping, returned some lovely, but dangerous, plastic wine glasses we'd bought. The glass lips were sharp and cut David's hand when he was washing them.

Our slip neighbor from Charleston, Brian, is docked at Ladies Island so we hailed him for a brief chat. He'll come do the walking tour with us tomorrow morning.

Had dinner this evening with other slip neighbors, John and Darlene. He cooked delicious pork roast w/potatoes. Yummy! We brought steamed veggies and that wonderful Italian Christmas bread that I love and happened to find in the food store yesterday. A delightful evening talking about our various adventures and mis-adventures traveling the ICW. They are from Nova Scotia.

Home to our neglected kitty who is curled sleeping, next to my let.

David and I still have to check the weather and the distance we want to travel in the next couple of weeks. However, we're thinking of resting here until Saturday, mostly to see a Gullah Christmas Celebration that takes place Friday night. I'm sure it will be a pageant/performance of some sort and expect it will allow some insight into the Gullah culture. We'd move off the mooring and into an anchorage if we decide to stay. We'll see....about the performance and about staying.

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