Thursday, December 17, 2015

12/16/15  Wednesday  YOGA!

One of the first things I did yesterday was find a yoga class and this morning I got on David's bike and road the 1.5 mi and indulged my body in a yoga class. It was so hard and so much fun that I'm going to do it again on Friday, hoping it isn't pouring rain. Small class. lovely petite teacher who gave reminders about "working to your edge" and pertinent to me and my un-useful habit, "slightly tuck your chin."

Bike riding was different in that people rode on the sidewalks mostly. Not our Maine habit, for sure. I made it back to the marina where we are moored with no difficulty and some wonderful architecture coming and going...going and coming. Joined David and our friends, Dan & Wendy (Deltaville) for an afternoon of touring the Castillo de San Marcos.  Heavy fog all day long. Warm temps. Muggy!!!
Don't shoot! Our boat is out there somewhere

This Spanish fort is one I toured with Betty and Delford (aunt and uncle) and their two oldest girls (Cousins Cheryl and Kathryn) when I was a child...maybe 10 years old. I have a photo of me with the stroller and Cheryl and Kathryn. It is a sweet memory - that my aunt and uncle invited me to travel with them to FL to visit my grand parents. I might have been my first long trip without my parents. Maybe Mother and Dad were going to fly down later but I drove w/ Betty and Delford and kids. Hmmm. I have this thinking pattern that, as a child, I was in the way of the adults. But Betty and Delford didn't have to invite me on this long car journey. .... recalibrating.
I think this is where the photo of my cousins and me was taken in about 1959
Long, long time ago...
We walked and walked on our tour today but barely scratched the 3 or 4 blocks immediately next to the harbor. As many cities are doing, St. Augustine has artist renderings of a city symbol (Crabs in Charleston, lighthouses in Portland, ME) - there are 450 by individual artists or collaboratives. This one is macrame.   All are different, of course. All are glorious, though I like some more than others.

Tomorrow is the boat consignment store...and maybe we'll get to the P.O. to mail Christmas presents. Holy cow! Only 9 days till. Where will we be then?

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