Thursday, December 17, 2015

12/17/15   Thursday

A social day with errands. Expecting boat visitors we worked this morning to clean up some portions of Grace and give each other haircuts to spruce ourselves up. We wrapped some Christmas gifts to get into the mail for ME. Wrapping complete but not mailed, we went to catch the Cruisers' Shuttle. First stop - the liquor store, then the boat consignment store, I left David there and continued on with the van to Walmart (over to the dark side) for some needs and a little food, back by a fruit & veggie stand (where IS that mango?). All this was with friends, Dan and Wendy, plus another couple we sort of know and a brand new couple from Berlin.

Back to the boat with our new possessions and food and in need of a nap. All this socializing is tiring, if fun. All 3 of us took a nap. Amelia had to wake up to take hers. We went to the marina and had showers, spiffing up for the social gathering tonight, then I paid bills electronically AND managed to charge my computer ast.

Met Dan and Wendy again and, finally, off to the Cruisers Net gathering at an Irish Pub on the beautifully decorated Menendez St. along the waterfront. More people to meet and talk with - Mary and Bill who've lived on their boat for 13 years and have lived here for one year. A text from Michael, my college buddy, allowed us to arrange a rendezvous 2 doors down from our Irish Pub. Sweet to see him. Delighted to meet his wife and learn a bit more about his life now. Michael and I went to (U)NCSA together and renewed friendship at the reunion this past September.

Making our way back to our boat we ran into Dana and Craig, from Charleston meeting. They'd just arrived today here in St Augustine. So glad to see them as I was unable to text them last week. Msg wouldn't go through. Figured out the problem. Hope to have a date to include them before we leave on Sunday. And where are you going? you might ask. Shoulder shrug. Daytona? Cape Canavaral?

Stay tuned.

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