Wednesday, December 2, 2015

12/2/15  Wednesday

The sun came out and we went to town. Met our friend, Brian, and strolled through the area of Beaufort, SC, called "the Point", then lunch in a little sandwich shop on Bay St., then we split up and David and I went to the library where I bought some used books, got caught in a brilliant rain down pour, wadded back to the dinghy and have spent the balance of the evening drying out. More sight seeing adventures w/different friends tomorrow. I'm liking this part of our travels!
First African American church in Beaufort, SC (I think)
A garden 
Beaufort Inn 
A driveway
This cat was sitting picture perfect until I got my phone camera out, then she followed us for blocks and blocks
Brian spoiled her and was nearly ready to take her home to his boat

Back entrance 
Front door 
Maybe Tidalholm where The Big Chill was filmed. Looks like it but we were a little lost.
Double porches
Hope you've enjoyed as much as we did

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