Monday, December 14, 2015

12/14/15   Monday

It was a short travel day from Cumberland Island to Fernandina Beach, FLORIDA (!). Three months, almost to the day. We re-met some folks we'd spoken to in Deltaville (was that Maryland?) and the "catamaran w/no mast" that we played leap frog with from NYC to  around Belhaven NC but then lost is up river of us in the mooring field.

Not too much to report. Today was a bit of a regular (read boring and, therefore, tiring...or maybe tiring and therefore, boring (?)) work day. I'm in need of an attitude adjustment. We walked into the Historic District and saw beautifully pastel painted houses and I recognized one tabby house. Impressive "concrete" of oyster shells, house was 3-stories tall with dark purple shutters on the windows. Other sweet "compounds" of 3 or 4 houses surrounding a "hidden" garden. Even the smaller houses out of the historical district were well kept and pastel. And, it is warm.

However, without my friends, work and hobbies there becomes a sameness that is... well, boring. We've seen so much. Experienced so much., am I collecting experiences that will coalesce into some learning of value that I am able to recognize? Convoluted thought/sentence. Does my experiencing have value beyond entertainment? Will I be able to recognize that value? I guess we'll see somewhere along this way. As I write I realize I need a day off from the boat and David, so that we're not having to negotiate our every move and I'm not constrained by lack of space. And we DID walk way too far to get to a grocery store today when we didn't really need groceries. It was our friends who needed groceries and they didn't even go. We hired a cab for the return trip. An example of our auto-centric world.

We've decided to travel a short distance tomorrow so that St Augustine is easily reachable on Wednesday. Perhaps a couple of days there with separate agendas as well as duo sight-seeing. My life is good. Just a little bump slump in attitude here.

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