Wednesday, September 30, 2015


WhooHooo! Last night was a rocking and rolling night w/winds up to 25 knots, not sustained but gusting. Yikes! I got up several times to make sure Grace looked in the same direction as other boats. Woke David several times to confirm our security then soon after dawn when most wind had calmed a bit, I wondered if the dinghy was still with us. Yes. So, except for wetness all is well.

I phoned Diana in NYC while having coffee on the aft deck to say hello and to ask about a terra firma at her house in case of hurricane. Great conversation w/her. They are just in Manhattan, 50 minutes away on the Long Island RR but so far away.

Washed my hair over the side of the boat this morning. Whew! That was pretty easy and I feel so much cleaner. Even a little hair cut trim in the head (bathroom). Then a real shower this early evening. Otherwise, the day was spent checking weather, small house/boat projects, a bit of FCP work, conversation w/boat neighbors about how they were preparing for additional rain and wind and potential hurricane. We've decided that we'll secure Grace as much as possible and take the cat and seek ground. Cozy and well fed this evening.

And David writes:
Up several times last night to check boat, mooring, Evon the Avon, our dinghy, and all was well. Rain and clouds today. Projects, reading and talking.

I continue to spend quite a bit of time reading about weather forecasting through the lens of what has become Hurricane Joaquin.

There are numerous computer models that are trying to predict what "Jo" (Tropical Storm Jo,  now Hurricane Jo) will do.  Over the last two days the models went from no consensus to a majority predicting a strike to NC/VA and then up the coast. BUT, the "Euopean Model," typically accurate, thinks it will go "safely out to sea." Most forecasters now think the NC/VA hit is most likely. BUT,  it is interesting that comments, late today, by forecasters are that the hurricane is, "going further south than predicted before turning north." That further southern track is exactly what the European model DID predict. I'm rootin for the European Model! But planning for a nasty weekend.

We spent part of the day stripping the deck of gear to make less windage, moving from a mooring with a worn pendant to a stronger mooring then adding our own pendant to double up then added chafing gear. We are good and prepared and comfortable.  As Nancy said, if "Jo" does hit here, we will strip Grace, make her as ready as possible and go ashore. (Anyone with a spare room in Port Washington?)

Hope all is well with all of you. We will ride out this weather then wait for a good window to sail down the coast to Delaware Bay and beyond.

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