Saturday, September 26, 2015

A slower day out of the chutes...slip at Harry's Marina. Got to do a bit of yoga at the gazebo. My view from there.

Mat view #1 from Harry's in Westbrook, CT

Mat view #2
I LOVE this flatland, coastal sense. Reminds me FL and NC outerbanks. Tall sea grass, tight, sometimes shallow rivers and inlets, packed boats if boatyard. I could have stayed...forever, except that I know it would get cold. Temps this morning, though, were perfect.

We headed to Port Jefferson on the north ? side of Long Island but the seas were too confused so we changed plans and ports.  But we saw this mirage which was really an island before changing. Hard to tell in the photo but it looked as if it were floating above the ocean.

A BIG appreciation to David for his flexibility in thinking and destinations. It just got uncomfortable, not dangerous but less comfortable. "clank, clank, thump, bank, swish" - the cat might hate us with all the rocking and rolling she is having to endure. So we choose another destination (New Haven) at his suggestion and zagged on over to Morris Bay and picked up a mooring at the New Haven Yacht Club. Sweet, protected bay inside the breakwater but not so far up river that it will take us forever to get out tomorrow. Maybe Port Jefferson tomorrow or another destination even closer to NYC!

Elegant ligt at entrance to New Haven harbor
I'll mention again how wonderful autopilot, Julie, is. The idea of having to stand or sit for hours holding a steady course in a tumbling sea is exhausting...just as an idea. Having to hold course just to get into a channel in such an erratic tumble is physically exhausting..

I'm also really noticing how we have to make constant decisions - in negotiating the waves, determining the course, deciding the destination based on current conditions, personal energy, weather tomorrow, wind speed, tide and possible destinations 2 days out...depending upon the weather. Part of this is due to no/new routine. Most is due to the nature of traveling via boat.

This afternoon in calm waters and warm sunshine...boat (home!) improvement projects.

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