Sunday, September 20, 2015

9/20/15        Duxbury, MA

Duxbury, MA - We're on a mooring, thanks to Dwight Smith of Long Point Marine, from winch came our Grace, listening to the wind BLOW! We'll be here tomorrow, too. Small craft warnings and we're a small craft that heeds warnings.

This morning in Gloucester Harbor was lovely. The sunrise rainbow was not a bow but a rectangle of color light. Odd and lovely.

No matter how early we get up, though, we can't seem to leave ports before 7:30. This morning I was on my way to slip the mooring when Mark came over in his Boston Whaler (or a similar type boat) to say hello and chat. He is on a green Tartan named Ginger Nut, after his red-haired daughter. Shannon and Maggie, fyi.

We finally left port and had a really easy sail across MA Bay. I waved to Peter DiMuro and Brian Crabtree but only Peter waved back. The wind was of starboard/aft quarter (there is a better term) so we flew the Ginny for awhile. The turn into Duxbury Bay was across the wind and sea so was really lumpy. Lumpy seas can contribute to flexible lumbar spine and knees but there are better ways to be flexible and strong.

I was thinking more about "home" today - what is it? how to define? what's so special about it? With luck, home is where we feel safe, secure and comfortable, where we/one can relax; and where people know they can find you. If you leave, you'll come back there, again, if lucky. Grace is comfortable. I feel safe here but she is moving and my friends/family don't know where she is, so where to find me? Thus I sent the blog address out to bunches of friends today. Still thinking about this "home" business. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Did you share lessons on the dangers of knowing a Ginger? Let alone having one or 2 in your family!
