Monday, September 21, 2015


Things that go bump in the night! The windy, twisty night.

What are the possibilities?  Another boat? Horrors! The dinghy motor flopping back and forth? A mooring ball bouncing against us? A can of tomatoes rolling around in a storage locker? The range is from really dangerous to merely annoying. Not knowing is the stuff of a sleepless night. So, up and out to investigate. The culprits were the fender boards bumping against the rail. Whew.

With small craft warnings persisting we’re staying in Duxbury another night at least. We spent the day sorting, stowing, and mailing home (and back to Hamilton Marine) un-needed boat stuff. The fo'c'sle (most forward sleeping space that we've used for workshop/storage) is becoming more orderly and less crowded. Soon guests will have a sleeping berth there. We’re moving weight (tools and spare parts) farther aft to better balance Grace. We took a quick trip ashore to Grace’s previous languishing grounds where David spent most of last spring/summer rescuing her. That boatyard has far fewer derelict boats than when Grace (by another name) was there.

And a big Hoohaw – I used the propane oven for the first time tonight, baked chicken w/potatoes and carrots. WhoooHoooo. New culinary horizons have opened.


About to enjoy the first "oven" meal


Things that go bump in the night! (and flap and flutter!) In the middle of the night decided that the Bimini was taking too much of a beating and took that down along with Grace's burgee and prayer flags. It felt warm in the wind when I went out but by the time I came in I was again appreciating "wind chill factor."

Yes, the North East winds persist. Originally the small craft warning was to end at 6 this evening but it is now being prolonged. By this evening the winds are beginning to veer to the East, slowly. Seas outside Plymouth Bay are reported 5 feet. No thanks.

So, tomorrow will likely be a trip inside the bay to Plymouth for fuel and water and back to a snug mooring. We suspect Wednesday will be better. (Appreciating wind finder app as well as weather underground and National Weather Service).

This day in port has given us a great opportunity to further organize and settle. Nancy is tenacious about getting stuff sorted. I appreciate and get into the efforts at getting things stowed and the boat balanced. So it all works out. First oven cooked meal and a great companion. 

Amelia is the only one on board with any dignity.

Now if the wind and wave gods will just calm things down! 


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