Saturday, September 19, 2015

9/19/15    Portland

Well. Turns out out moonlight leaving was a rehearsal. Next morning we found that we'd wrapped some line around our prop. David dove (dived?) and got most off but we decided to go back into Brewer's to have them clear the remaining and check the prop and shaft for damage. They did and we were good to go by 1 PM. Yesterday!

On to Portland where we stayed overnight at Vessel Services. Thank you, Ed! Sunrise through the pilings.

And our neighbor looking for breakfast.

We passed Portland Headlight around 7:40 AM on a beautifully sunny day, wind out of the south, typically on our nose. Seas were lumpy enough for Amelia to complain and sit beside me in the Pilot House. Then she returned to her Salon spot. First dolphin sighting just past Portland Head. A solo one and not with us very long.

We arrived in sight of York Harbor, tonight's destination, around 2 PM and decided to practice sailing for a bit. Discovered that we need to be on a hard tack in order to come about (turn in another direction, for those of you who don't know the terminalogy). Otherwise, this full of Grace, pigish boat just stands still in irons. She is heavy and has lots of windage. But we figured it out and learned more about our boat. Sailing was lovely.

WORK, but lovely. Taking and herding the sails into submission was taxing on balance, skill and patience. But we did it. Into harbor by 4:30-ish, a ride to the food store from our friend, Ben Fowler, a chat on the dock with Doug McNamara who we saw in Freeport Harbor (he's starting an around the world sail!), and dinner on the boat after a few fix-its. Deciding whether tomorrow's destination is Gloucester or Duxbury. Checking the weather. Listening to the cat snore at my side.

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