OMG, What happened today?!? A relaxed morning waiting for proper/helpful tides at Fisher Island - aka "The Race" because of the speed the tide races through between the island and the CT coast. Relaxed until I noticed around 10 AM that our anchor was dragging. Then a hurry to start the engine and turn properly (aaargh!) and haul the anchor. On our way! Why not?! Motoring out the Dutch Harbor, me at the helm, all is well with 35' of water all around. ALARM - "Blat! Blat!""6' of water!!!" WHAT?!? The chart says 35-40 all through here. Then, back to 35' AFTER a moment of terror...well, maybe not terror but only adrenlin rush. We think it might have been the sea monster we saw last night...about 10' long, no dorsal fin, just cruising through the water. A sturgeon? A little whale? A mystery.
A pretty delicious day of motor/sailing at about 6.8 k. Beautiful sun. A few boat projects underway but the gentle roll of waves makes it impossible to do close work, for me at least. I sorted screws from bolts from electrical endings and put them in appropriate boxes. Such a sad use of my education and experience. Great for my Capricorn organization desires.
We thought to go to Mystic but DCW wanted to upgrade our GPS software at the Defender Store in New London. Can we make it? By store closing at 6 PM? Should we try? Oh, why not? We have several more hours of daylight. Passed some beautiful sights and interestingh sights, quickly, on the way.
Quaint fishing village? Groton Point, CT |
Battleship? No, an island near New London |
3 swans welcomed us to New London
David was successful in acquiring the gps update but having trouble loading it.We're tucked onto an unused town mooring for the evening. Kitty is snoozing on my lap. I'm thinking, food. Commuter trains go buy, whistles blaring, every half hour or so. We're clearly NOT in the high rent district.
We're pressing on to take advantage of the good weather and to get to the Chesapeake Bay quickly, expecting to take more time to visit places and people once there and on the journey back in spring.
May all our blessings continue, please.
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