Saturday, September 19, 2015

9/19/15       Gloucester

Sitting in relatively quiet Gloucester Harbor with David snoring in the background. Easy, if slightly lumpy passage from York Harbor, through Annisquam River and Blyman Canal, arriving here around 1300 hrs. Did home improvement projects most of the afternoon. Dinner onboard. Some Freeport Players computer homework.

Sitting in the saloon I had this thought that Grace is my/our home for the next 8 months. Family and several friends have generously offered their extra rooms so I'll always have a "home". But this notion of the boat being my home for an extended amount of time is just beginning to touch the surface of my brain. Hmmmm.

Long day tomorrow traveling to Duxbury to visit friends...if the seas are not too lumpy. We'll see in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Nancy! I can almost smell the coffee and salt air. "Lumpy" seas notwithstanding, I'd love to be right there with you on such a day as this. Keep up the good work!
