Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Mary and Irwin are on their way to Greece and celebrating their 10th anniversary! And, David and Amelia and I are in Port Washington harbor on Long Island, NY, waiting out unsettled weather.

We spent most of the day on the boat and never started the engine. Heaven! We do need showers, though. We may have to go buy an overnight mooring just to get the shower that goes with it. We'll investigate more tomorrow. We have running hot and cold water so can keep clean in a camping sort of way. But the luxury of hot water raining down over your head with soap and shampoo, then draining out a drain without getting water all over the floor and walls...humm, um, hum.

Boat projects - home improvement and beautification - this morning then a trip to the laundromat and food store and boat store this afternoon. Dinghy and walk. Good to be on terra firma. Had our first meal out since boarding 13 days ago. Wait for it............Subway!

A number of people in the mooring field here are gathering for sailing or motoring south. We all expect to be here for several more days, probably through Saturday so a week almost. Some may choose to go to a harbor in Staten Island or Sandy Hook to be closer to NJ jump off when the weather clears. Think we'll stay. If the troubling storm in the Carribean developes toward us we may look for friends to take us in for a couple of days.

Meanwhile, three photos from yesterday when the sun was shining brightly. Lots of Beneteaus surround us. Very expensive boats. I'd say we were in the high rent district but the moorings are free for 2 nights then only $25/night - cheap.

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