Tuesday, April 5, 2016

4/4/16          Monday                   Beaufort, SC          

We left Turner's Creek/Wilmington Island/Thunderbolt/Savannah....and our new friends/magenta line angels, Bridget and Brad, and their friends, Annette and John....late in the morning. It was just hard to leave them. David and I had planned to visit and say goodbye at 7:30 AM but there were some delays, then Annette and John had appointments so we finally had our visits and said goodbye around 1000 hrs.

I cried leaving Bridget and Brad. Their hearts are so big and generous. This has happened to me twice in the last week. These obviously spiritual people who don't spew religion but are clearly confident in their faith in God through Jesus (through Jesus being the part that always makes me cautious) who I immediately love and am stressed to leave. I suspect they are deep friends from previous lifetimes. But what do I know. Except that I'm so grateful to meet (re-meet) them and know they are in the world, loving lots and passing it on. I hope to stay connected with Brad and Bridget but no matter, really. We've been connected....again....still. My throat tightens as I write.
Bridget and Brad Whipple

David and I talked a great deal about all the "hooks" (good hooks) that kept showing up on the dock there - the swim noodle we could use, the extra chain laying around, the 2x4 needed for a project. I wondered to David if he regretted not staying. No. Agreed.

I often consider how my life would have been different/be different if I'd chosen another choice/decision rather than the one I made. - continuing college at UNC-G rather than transferring to NCSA, for example. A very different life but probably lovely enough. How would our lives differ had we stayed at Turner's Creek, even another day/week? No way of knowing. I remember Bridget asking if we couldn't stay longer. No, some family and community responsibilities and we're on this particular sailing return journey now and want to follow through with it. Another time we'll stay longer or re-meet again or....not. The love and appreciation and generosity continues anyway.

Meanwhile, let's remember the wonder-full environment we stayed in for two nights...
All that rigging. We rafted up with "Wings"
who is being renovated for an around the world trip

Wings is tied to a derelict barge that is slated for destruction when Wings leaves, who knows when. It was quite an act of faith to get from the barge to the pier that was sometimes 4' above and 3' away from the barge. But we're flexible and with good strength and balance. Bridget and Brad each and both have some amazing work and travel stories. She is an Air Force baby and, I suppose, has traveled with her family lots. His dad worked for the State Dept so he, too, seems to have travel in his family history. He has captained a salmon fishing boat in Alaska. She crewing during the salmon runs. Cold, dangerous work. They ran a PI business in California. They both volunteer in human services arena thought not through state organized opportunities, more through religious organizations. For my memory I'll note Christian Boaters organization and Mercy Ship, to research later. She is interested in taking n immersion course in teaching English as 2nd language. I'm curious about this opportunity that will happen in PA in June. Anyway, interesting, lovely people.
stern of Wings. We never got below

The boatyard where they and another person and lots of cats are living is a story...which we only have pieces of - in the family for generations, very productive during good shrimping times, fire (s) destroyed it, rebuilt, fire (?), now owned by John and sisters. Maybe not enough interest or resources from whole family to rebuild again??? in the same way? for fishing?  Hard to know. A wonderful volunteer project but even volunteering takes financial resources for goods if not services.
Not ready to be diverted from our journey north...in spite of the wonder and delight of the people.

A giggle was one of Brad/Bridget's cats fetches! There are a bunch of wharf cats that another boater feeds and neuters. Yes!  Annette and John are the in situ owners, actually they are real owners and the ones who seem to have the most interest in renewing the marina.
John and Annette above

Goodbyes said, hugs given, photos taken, addresses exchanged, tears shed and we're off.

Past our neighbors astern where we did NOT pay to bring our dinghy ashore.
neighbors astern in Turner's Creek
Easy passage to Beaufort, SC where we re-fueled and took a shower. Up late. Finished my most recent John Grisham novel, The Chamber. Hard story of racism, murder, who did it (actually we always knew who did it), will the client/granddad be executed or can the lawyer/grandson prevail. Quite an indictment of the death penalty. Now for a lighter book. Maybe something about getting rid of clutter.

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