4/3/16 Sunday Turner's Creek, Wilmington Island, GA
TOURIST DAY! Well.Up and off the boat around 8:30. Our new friends (Brad, and Bridget and their friends, John and Annette) let us borrow a car, a convertible but we didn't convert it, tempted as we were, to take to town - Savannah. Then Brad lead us there and he and Bridget gave us lots of ideas of what to see. We drove ourselves into town to park (free on Sundays), searched for a good, strong cup of coffee and were thwarted twice before success, found where and when to get the public horse cart tour of the downtown, took a long walk down the waterfront and returned to the tour beginning via the high road. Savannah, the part we saw, is beautiful and it is spring here. The azales are past full bloom but the dogwoods are just beginning. Fountains bubble everywhere. Warm and breezy. Photos galore.
A central fountain |
paddleboat on waterfront |
No longer slaves (waterfront) |
City Hall (above waterfront) |
Scott our guide studied film making and
is a screen writer |
Robin took us lots of beautiful places |
beautiful buildings |
Another |
another |
Another w/Bobin |
Another |
Cotton Exchance |
decorating Cotton Exchange entrance |
Other side of entrance- Pegasus (?) |
Bored yet? We still wanted to see the inside of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist which is famous for some reason as well as being beautiful Maybe it is the third largest in the U.S.
twin spires |
main alter |
Mary Chapel |
Organ and rose window |
ceiling |
Ceiling |
Then David and I found the car, amazingly enough after all our walking and riding and shopping and walking. I really wanted to see "Wendy the Bird Statue" from the cover of
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil which I'd read ages ago. I knew it was located in the Bonadventure Cemetery. We went. We searched. Turns out it HAD been located there but moved downtown very close to where we'd been much of the day. So. Didn't get to see the statue but did see these beauties:
Dogwood w/moss dribbles |
Fully blooming dogwood loaded with Spanish moss |
Time to find our way home. We bought shrimp as we'd promised to share dinner with our rafting-up friends, the same ones who let us borrow the car and told us some things to not miss in Savannah. Made our way home with not too many expletives from "Siri" our gps personification. Prepared dinner which we ate alone as friends had forgot other obligations. Both Bridget and Brad came over around 8 PM and Brad finished some shrimp. Glad to have them both visit for a couple hours.
On board dinner w/flowers |
A delightful day from beginning to end. Savannah is such a lovely town with so very many squares (not to e confused w/parks which are really the same). So much green space. There was a yoga class going on in one of the squares we walked by. There was a walking street, the mall, and a main merchant street about 3 blocks from the water front. Lots of places to eat and coffee bars, alcohol bars too. And, Savannah is one of three cities in the U.S. where you can drink on the street - not that that is a good thing.
Pooped and so happy at the end of this day. Beautiful city to visit. Wonderfully generous and interesting new friends The couple is not as young as first thought. They have grandchildren so, really, how young can they be. Given things we've learned about them and the kinds of work they've done I'm uping their ages to 40's. More about them tomorrow.
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