Thursday, April 14, 2016

4/14/16         Thursday             Morehead City, NC  

One day til TAX DAY!!! Good luck everyone.  We slept late today then went back to bed after coffee. A day around the "house" for the most part. Morning computer work and thinking about Freeport Arts & Cultural ideas and opportunities...and communicating same to the Steering Committee of which we are a part.

The BEST news, perhaps more than anyone want except David and self.........Amelia pooped!! Nice, well formed and sizable poops. Okay. Okay. Too much information. But, this has been a BIG concern for the past week. I'm relieved, and I bet she is, too. She has two more days of antibiotics but already her "normal" behavior of eating and talking and wandering around during the night has returned. And, she came out on the deck today and sunned. Good news all around.

Post computer work this morning into afternoon I did some sanding. I've about a third of the aft deck railing scraped, sanded and ready to be washed and oiled tomorrow. We'll borrow our neighbors' hose, wash the railing and fill the water tanks. Then wait for railings to dry so we can oil them. Maybe take a trip to Beaufort for sight-seeing with boat neighbors.

Today Trisha took David to the chiropractor to see if a pro could realign his chest and neck. David thinks a rib is out. Good results but not a cure at the chiro's. Then we four went to the boat consignment place in Beaufort. didn't buy a thing! Hurrah!! Then back to tasks on the boat and over to Rob & Trisha's for a shared dinner. Total fun. A delightful couple. Trisha's sister is married to John Linscott, jazz musician and creator of Love and Lobsters, the musical Freeport Players produced last summer. Small, small world.

Hoping to hear that cousin, Cheryl's, son, Matt, had successful surgery today to reconnect some nerves in his face. Sending prayers to him and to our friend, Sally, for recovery, health and peace.

Blessed, I am.

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