Friday, April 22, 2016

4/22/16           Friday            Deltaville, VA

Amelia writes:

Thank goodness and all my feline ancestors that my humans, Nancy and David, got smart and kept us in port today. I don't think my claws could have hung on for another day like yesterday. For awhile this morning it was touch and go, "No, don't go." Nancy got up several times in the early morning to give me some food and take care of some her biological urges in her litter box. Sweet of her to feed me each time. I DID have to get up, though. No breakfast in bed in spite of my difficult day yesterday. Somehow, I don't rate breakfast in bed. flex my claws and lay my ears back.  She checked the weather at 7:00 am and told David the forecast. Oh dear. Looked risky as if we might be going. But she crawled back in bed.

Then I heard nothing from either of them until 9:00 AM!!! Unheard of, sleeping in bed that late. Hurrah! There was more checking the weather but by then it would make no sense to leave. Besides, the boat was still tucked too tightly in that other slip. Ahh, coffee in the making. Score a day in port.

I went out on the aft deck with my humans. No hurry. What a change. Some talk, idle talk, about small things to do on the boat. Sigh, they just don't quit. "Take a lesson from me," I suggested psychically, as I stretched out in the sun. Then rearranged myself to get ALL muscles closer to horizontal. Nancy noticed that the deck might be too hard and went to the pilot house to get the woven Knot rug that Browne had given them. It was a really nice gesture but the rug still has dog scent in it. Second-hand, you know, and Browne's dog obviously slept on it.  I stretched out on it for a while. I'll get my scent in it soon. Did some clawing, too. That always help. Those little scent glands in my paws, you know.

We all went back in the pilot house while Nan fixed pancakes. Me, I stretched out on the floor, put my head on above rug. David noticed and was pleased that I was, at least, using it as a pillow. Human breakfast on the foredeck but I decided I was comfortable on the rug. Only needed to reposition 4 or 5 times with a couple good stretches and yawns between. I did go out a couple of times and meow pitifully just to let them know I was here. We were all moving in a hazy kind of way. Beautiful sun, bird calls, a really noisy skip jack-type boat across the creek from us finally left. Too much mechanical noise for a relaxing morning but it really didn't last tooooo long. My humans talked about having "spring fever." That must be their excuse for going slow and not being able to rally for a lot of projects. Whatever it takes, I say. Nancy did leave for a while to do "computer work" and David did a small boat project, something about rails.

There was a BIG rain shower, pouring rain, the purrverbial cats and dogs kind. See, I know that expression, too. Great for sleeping. Female human even took a short nap, joining my long nap. Humans went on an adventure of some at the 2nd hand stores, and then out to a fund-raising dinner (?) at the Marine Museum they found in Deltaville last year. They came back before dark so I didn't suffer too much. They talked about BBQ, shrimp and ribs and meeting 2 interesting couples. I enjoyed my sleeping time alone. Don't tell them though. I made a racket when they returned and got some dry food treats. They seem subdued this evening but the radio is on so I have them to lean against and the radio for verbal company. And, I've almost recovered from yesterday's stress.

Maybe my humans will keep the break going tomorrow. I could use them to sleep late again.

P.S. For those of you concerned about my litter box health, rest assured. I'm peeing and pooping regularly again. I know you'll be pleased to have this information

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