Friday, April 1, 2016

4/1/16             Friday             Crescent River, near Sapelo Island, FL

APRIL FOOLS! Yes, we are. And very lucky ones too. Easier travel day today, though we did run aground very briefly but pushed through with no problem.

We anchored early today, around 1400 hours (2 PM) so that we were as secure as possible and ready for thunderstorms predicted at 1530 hours (figure it out). Now at 1800 hours we are hearing our first thunder. Okay with us and, really, we wouldn't be disappointed if that one roll of thunder is all we have. The initial forecast was for storms all tonight and until tomorrow afternoon. Animated radar suggests that the major storm has passed quite a bit north of us. Hurrah! And we'll get smaller pop-up storm or two. Bet we're anchored, as close to trees as marsh land allows. So, we're not the only tallness in the area.

Both David and I have done some boat projects: he, securing the battery box on the starboard side, the port side one is still in his future; I, scraping varnish off the rails, mostly done but there is always that little spot that was/is hard to get from the on deck perspective and perch; and I cooked, brownies first, baked potatoes second, rice earlier in the day as we traveled along, and upcoming dinner will be veggies with the rice and some black eyed peas.

Now we're all kind of hunkering down for some rain and a very limited, we hope, storm. Long day planned tomorrow so that we can make Savannah Sunday morning.

Feeling protected and blessed.

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